National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

2024 National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

Friday, June 14, 2024

Cocktail Dinner and Party

We were treated to a wonderful cocktail party and dinner at the Elks Club in Waterville. Good night everyone, and good luck tomorrow!

2024 NARC Annual Meeting

Friday, June 14th at 3:00 pm (ET) – Waterville, Maine

Meeting called to order at 3:13 pm by Mike Coutu.
Opening Ceremonies 
  • Sonya Harrigfeld-Jackson led us in the Pledge of Allegiance
  • Mike led us in a Moment of silence for people and dogs lost this year
Left to Right: Sonya Harrigfeld-Jackson, Joel Harris, Mike Coutu, Jim Rickoff, Kyle Broussard and Mitch Brown.

Introduction of Club Officers by Mike Coutu
          President: Michael Coutu
          1st Vice President: Jim Rickoff
          2nd Vice President: Sonya Harrigfeld-Jackson
          3rd Vice President: Joel Harris
          4th Vice President: Mitch Brown
          Secretary/Treasurer: Kyle Broussard 
Kyle Broussard conducted the Roll Call
            A quorum was reached.
Report of Officers Nomination Committee for 2025 (Coutu)
          President: Jim Rickoff
          1st Vice President: Sonya Harrigfeld-Jackson
          2nd Vice President: Joel Harris
          3rd Vice President: Mitch Brown
          4th Vice President: 
          Secretary/Treasurer: Kyle Broussard

Motion to accept, and seconded
Reading of 2023 Financial Statements (Broussard)
Motion to accept, and seconded
New Clubs Listed
East Feliciana Retriever Club
Swan Lake Retriever Club
First State Deleware
These clubs wish to put on tests this year
Membership was approved
General Announcements by Mike Coutu
  • Health Fund contribution was made. Thank you for your support!
  • Hall of Fame contribution was made. Thank you for your support!
  • Entry Express – up to $6.85 processing fee. These dollars are earmarked for programming to improve EE processes, platform and user experience.
  • Retriever News – Fiscal year ended in the black for the first time in many years
  •  Two new subscription options
    • $80/year = Receive both printed and digital magazine
    • $60/year = Receive digital magazine
  • Thank you to all that have recently contributed content!
Events this Week
Cocktail Party – Elks Club, Friday the 14th, 6:30pm
Worker Party – Elks Club Tuesday the 18th 6:30 pm 
Appreciation Gifts
Mike Coutu gave an appreciation gift to Field Trial Chairman, Mitch Brown. 
This is a huge job, thank you Mitch!
Mitch Brown gave appreciation gifts to our 2024 Judges:
  • Paul Panichi
  • Larry Morgan
  • Kirk Naisbitt
Left to Right: Mitch Brown, Kirk Naisbitt, Larry Morgan and Paul Panichi

Gwen Jones brought our sponsors to the front to thank them!
  • Purina – Ray Voigt, Kelsi Toth and Pat Burns
  • Garmin – Missy Lemoi and Pat Burns
  • Avery – David Carrington
Recognition of 2023 National Amateur Retriever Club Champion     
Left to Right: Leigh Windham, Ray Voigt and Bert Windham
  • Presented by Nestle Purina to Bert and Leigh Windham
  • Shipping error for the painting, it must be redone
  • Ray called owners to the front and acknowledged 2023 NAFC-FC Beaver Runs Raymond For Sheriff. Congratulations!
Acknowledgement of Landowners & Dedication of Trial
            Mike Coutu gifted our generous landowners with beautiful property signs

NARC Trial acknowledgements by Mike Coutu
            AKC Representatives
            Retriever News persons / Blog – Kelsey Wehr, Sara Sommerfeld, Gwen Jones, Sue Reynolds, and Pat Burns.
                        Photographer – Mark Atwater
                        Announcer – Alex Washburn and Ken Neil
                        Official Veterinarian – Jeff Schuett 
                        Official Artist - Jean Wu             
Report of 2025 National Venue and Judge Panel
  • The 2025 NARC will be held in Mondovi, WI
  • Field Trial Chairman is Paul Hanson
  • Judges for 2025: Rich Pingatore (Pacific), Dave Morrison (Mountain), Rich Dresser (Eastern)
Remembering Dennis
A moment of silence was called for Dennis Bath. In 1980, the NARC was held in Maine. And Dennis won that National with Cadillac Mack!
2024 NARC Dedication
This year’s NARC is dedicated to Dave and Marion Mosher. Several stories were shared on how influential they were to the game, especially in Maine. Many credit their start in field trials to Dave and Marion. 
Trial Procedures by Richard Dresser
  • The first series will be a double and a blind. All rooster pheasants.
  • Handlers on the mat for all sends
  • This week is going to be warm. We’ve done everything we can to create safe tests but it is the handler’s responsibility to ensure their dog is safe
  • Will try to expedite series as much as possible. Should we shut down due to hot weather, we can still finish on time. 
The first series will be at Ryan and Peggy Knowles 
1177 Hinkley Rd
Clinton, ME
Take exit 138, turn Left under the interstate and follow signs  

A Workers Caravan will leave the Walmart parking lot at 5:30 am
A Contestants Caravan will leave the Walmart parking at 5:45 am
  • Test dogs will be run at 7:10 am
  • First 10 running dogs can view the line first. When they are dismissed, the next 15 handlers can view the line. 
    • After that, remaining handlers can view the line at gun changes
      • After the first handlers view the line, the first 4 handlers to run will have ATVs available to take you back to your truck so you’re in the holding blind
  • First 4 running dogs in holding blinds at 7:50 am
  • National Anthem at 7:55 am 
  • First Running dog on the mat at 8:00 am
There will be 5 gun changes
No bird policy
  • If the dog does not see the bird hit the ground, you’ll go back to the holding blind and come immediately back to the run
  • If the dog saw the bird hit the ground, you will wait 6 dogs, and be the 7th dog to run
Bitch check
will be in the parking lot of the Elks, and you are to first go to your committee meeting, then the bitch check.
4 Scratches
51, 54, 91, 102
55, 76, 97, 15, 36 

Starting Dog
Bumper #55 was retrieved. 
#55 FC-AFC Seaside's Issheit, "Zoey" with Handler Chad Worsell will start the 1st Series!

Test Dogs

Male Test Dog:
Honga’s Over and Under Beretta QA2, “Rett,” Owned and Handled by Deborah Gardner

Female Test Dog:
Warren-Hill’s Celtic Quest, “Brannagh,” Owned and Handled Peggy Knowles

Meeting Concluded

2024 RAC Meeting

Retriever Advisory Committee Meeting

Friday, June 14, 2004

John Russell calls the meeting to order at 2:09 pm

Left to Right: Larry Morgan, Bill Goldstein, John Russell, 2 AKC Reps and Russ Reavis

John brings up that we’ve had an uptick in certain issues
  • Gallery behavior and conduct - There are many complaints, comments that are overheard by event committee members, judges, etc. Good sportsmanship is paramount.
  • John urges event field trial committee members to fully understand their responsibilities to deal with issues that come up during the event.

Scrapping of a Test

Weekend field trials follow National procedures
  • If you scrap the test and will begin running the new test the same day, the dog that was in the last holding blind preparing to run the scrapped test will start the series.
  • If you scrap the test and won’t start again until the next day, the dog that originally started the scrapped test will also be first to run the new test.

Scratches and Refunds
  • The rules/policy related to scratches and refunds have not been seriously looked at since the 1930’s. 
    • Currently, scratches due to bitches in season, injured or deceased dogs are due a full refund, minus small processing fees
      • Should this policy still stand? Should clubs retain partial entry fee even if the dog is scratched due to injury, death or in heat?
        • Retaining a partial entry fee would protect clubs from eating all the costs on a scratch
    • If handlers scratch for an alternative reason to the above, clubs can formulate their own refund policies as long as it is posted in the premium. It was recommended that clubs retain the right to continue to create their own policy here.
  • John opened the floor to discuss policies, stating several potential options for standardizing refund policies. 
    • Concerns were voiced:
      • It was stated that a refund minus 20% does not even cover a dog’s flyers
      • Bitch in Seasons require a vet note to receive refund, which is often more expensive to obtain than the entry fee
      • It was stated that some clubs are currently posting refund polices on EE that are in violation of above scratch policy. 
Derby Set Ups at Trials

Concerns voiced that in a couple recent derbies, 2 marks were placed in the field for series 1 and the running line was from the south. The 2nd series left the same marks in the field, and flipped the running mat 180 degrees, to the north. So the dog was running the same marks, just rotated their running line.
  • Several discussions that this was not necessarily against the rules, but is not an optimal set up

Gunners in the Field

After the gunner throws a bird and sits down, should he sit facing the direction of the throw? It was brought up that at a recent derby a gunner was instructed to sit facing opposite direction of throw.
  • While not addressed in the rules, it was suggested that we do not go out of our way to do this

Field Trial Committees Responsibilities

Blind markers must be conspicuous – Recently field trial committees received complaints about blind markers but brushed off these concerns
  • RAC reminded us of the responsibilities of the committee
    • If something happens at a field trial that needs to be addressed, you have the option to write a formal complaint 
  • Original language of this rule stated that “blind markers must be conspicuous to the handler” but the current rule book states “blind markers must be conspicuous” – lots of 

AKC Judges

All judges will be required to take an online course from organization Darkness to Light, called Stewards of Children.

  • The AKC Board has long talked about making AKC events available to youth, including $250,000 yearly scholarships, reduced entry fees, youth-only events, JR coordinators at events, etc
  • AKC strives to create a safe environment for all, including youth
  • Spring of ’24, FBI investigated and arrested an AKC Judge for activities related to child sexual abuse
    • None of this happened at an AKC event, but he was an AKC judge
    • AKC took this very seriously, and felt the responsibility to raise awareness to the issue of child sexual abuse.
    • 22,000 AKC judges across all sports
  • AKC has purchased 2000 seats in this Darkness to Light. 
    • Will roll out to all AKC Conformation Judges that currently judge juniors.
    • After July ’24, AKC will purchase more seats from Darkness to Light. 
      • Will roll out sport by sport
      • Course will eventually be required for all AKC judges
      • Once notified by email, a judge will have 3 months to take the course
        • If a judge does not take this course, currently scheduled judging assignments will be honored but new/future assignments will be blocked
      • All new judges will take this course at time of their judging approval
    • If you wish to take this course proactively, before it is rolled out to hunt test and field trial judges, you can do that
      • Cost is $16
    • This course must be updated once every 3 years
    • It is 2.5 hours long

NARC 2024 - Friday Schedule

 8:00 am    NARC Officers Meeting (Fireside Inn & Suites)

11:00 am    FT Committee / Judges Meeting (Fireside Inn & Suites)

1-3:00 pm   Packet Pick-Up / Merchandise Sales (Fireside Inn & Suites)

2:00 pm    RAC Meeting at the ELKS CLUB

3:00 pm    NARC Annual Meeting at the ELKS CLUB

5:00 pm    Bitch Check at the ELKS CLUB Parking Lot

6:30 pm    Dinner Party at the ELKS CLUB

Fireside Inn & Suites - 376 Main Street, Waterville, Maine

Elks Club Banquet Center - 76 Industrial Street, Waterville, Maine