National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

2024 National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Testing is shutting down for the day due to heat.

The 5th Series will resume Thursday Morning

  • 1 test dog at 6:50 am
  • 1st running dog at 7:00 am (#74)

83. FC-AFC OLLIE OOP, “Ollie,” BLF, John Stracka

John and Ollie came to the line ...

LF – Good line and returned quickly with her bird

LR – Good line out with one loop right near the blind and then straight over to the bird

RR – Her line took her out under the arc and right over to her bird

RF – Under the arc and straight to the fall area and she got her bird

81. FC-AFC TRUMARC’S WEST POINT, “Army,” BLM, Sylvia McClure

Sylvia and Army came to the line ...

LF – A few turns in front of the guns and he quickly got his bird

LR – Through the arc - turned and got his bird

RR – Out to the fall area and he had his bird

RF – To the area in front of the guns -  a few wide turns and he got it. Nice job.

Handle 80. FC-AFC COSTA’S N. Z. WARRIOR, “Haka,” BLM, Steve Costa

Steve and Haka came to the line at 10:38 am

LF – Good line out and he was back in with his bird quickly

LR – Good line through the arc - but he kept going - a quick handle brought him back to this bird

RF – His line out was wide right - left of the retired bird and he kept going left and up the hill straight to the flyer

RR – Good line and straight to his bird

Handle 79. FC-AFC HOCKLEY CREEK’S SWITCH HITTER, “Mickey,” BLM, Robby Bickley

Robby and Mickey came to the line at 10:28 am

LF – Drilled it!

LR – Wide left of the holding blind - turned left and kept going deep - was handled back to the bird

RR –  Out to the blind - hunted away from the bird - almost got to the flyer then turned back and came back to locate his bird

RF – Nice job on this flyer!

77. FC-AFC BAYOU-STAR FLEURTY GIRL, “Fleurt,” BLF, Mark Menzies

Mark and Fleurt came to the line at 10:18 am

LF – Went to the area and came back with her bird fairly quickly

LR – Went in under the arc and to the bird

RR – Went wide left and hunted a few loops past the blind and than ran over to the bird and got it

RF – Drove up the hill and a few loops over near the guns and then a loop over to the bird

Handle 76. SOUTHWINDZ MIDNIGHT BREES QA2, “Brees,” BLF, Matt Miller

Matt and Brees came to the line at 10:08 am

LF – Out to the area - nice job

LR – Straight in to the bush with her bird

RR – Across the field into the water - drove deep and was handled back to the bird

RF – Very nice line down the field to the bird

No-bird 74. JAYBAR CAPTAIN MACOMO, “Captain,” BLM, Jerry Younglove

Jerry and Captain came to the line at 10:04 am and had a No-bird, they will be back after 5.



Jeff and Buzz came back to the line at 9:56 am for their re-run

LR – Line right behind the bird/bush, then a loop around the mound in front and went back and got the bird

LF – Line took him wide left and we were not able to see the dog (due to trees on the left) - dog came back in with the bird pretty quickly however!

RR – Good line out and a quick retrieve on this mark!

RF – Several loops between the guns and past the fall area - and he came up with the bird

73. NEWCAM GUINNESS, “Guinness,” BLM, Steve Patterson

Steve and Guinness came to the line at 9:43 am

LF – Out to the area in front of the guns - established an extended hunt but located his bird

LR – Straight to the holding blind to start his hunt - nice job

RR – Out to the holding blind - 1 loop on the backside and then down to the bird

RF – Beautiful line under the arc and to the bird

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They make this blog possible!

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Retriever Results Sponsored Dog Profiles:

Handle 72. FC-AFC YOURS TRULY INDIGO, “Tru,” BLF, Mark Medford

Mark and Tru came to the line at 9:23 am

LF – Straight to the fall area - turned around and got the bird

RR – Line out was left - took one loop left, then directly over to her bird

LR – Line brought her behind the blind and she got an immediate whistle and was handled to this bird

RF – Came in under the arc, 2 short loops and she got her bird

**Gun Change**

 Gun Change at 9:30 am

Double Handle 71. FC CROCS MINNEAPOLIS MIRACLE, “Diggs,” BLM, Shane Olean

Shane and Diggs came to the line at 9:14 am

LF – Excellent line to this bird

LR – Under the arc and headed up the hill - 3 whistles brought him back and he got it

RR – Across the field – into the pond and far up the hill and he popped - Had to tweet tweet him back to his bird

RF – Came in under the arc - turned right and he got it


Cade and Deets came to the line at 9:09 am

LF – Short flyer - good line under the arc, then hunted the main fall area for a few loops, then in and got the bird

LR – Line was behind the blind/bush and kept going deep, then hunted back near the trees - behind the flyer station and was handled then picked up

Dog was picked up.

Double Handle 69. FC-AFC CARRONADE’S EGGPLANT PATSY, “Patsy,” BLF, Steve Roegiers

Steve and Patsy came to the line at 8:58 am

LF – Stepped on it!

LR – Wide right past the bale going deep - handled back to the fall area - missed a few times but she got it

RF – Excellent Mark!

RR – Missed on the left and went deep - handed back to the area and the bird

68. FC ROCK CREEK MAC, “Max,” BLM, Larry Vaske

Larry and Max came to the line at 8:50 am

LF – Good line - made a couple medium loops then on to the bird

LR – Wide right out behind the blind, hunted with a few loops, then over to the blind, a couple more loops and over to his bird

RR – Line was a little wide into the woods but he curved in and went right to the fall area and got the bird

RF – Good line to the fall area - made a loop upon arrival and then located his bird. Good job.


Jeff and Buzz came to the line at 8:47 am and had a No-bird, they will be back after 5.

66. FC-AFC BEAVER RUNS ZIG ZAG ZEKE, “Zeke,” BLM, Leigh Windham

Leigh and Zeke came to the line at 8:37 am

LF – Had a hunt in the area, but he got it

LR – Out wide right - broke down right of the blind to start a hunt - worked his way back left and he got it

RR – Straight to the fall area and his duck

RF – Great line - came in under the arc and was straight to the bird


Dave and Fancy came back to the line at 8:28 am

LF – Right to the fall area and got her bird!

LR – Line went wide right to the blind, took one loop to the right, then to the arc and another loop back to the right, then to the bush and she got the bird

RR – Line was left going out, but then she ran right to the bird!

RF – Good line under the arc, turned around in the area and ran over to grab her bird. Nice Job.

Handle Re-Run 58. AFC RIDGECREST’S IMPIOUS, “Imp,” BLF, Judy Rasmuson

Judy and Imp came back to the line at 8:19 am

LF – Straight to the fall area for a very tight hunt. Nice.

LR – Under the arc - turned back down to the holding blind - back up the hill heading away from the bird - a few quick whistles to handle her back and she got it

RR – Excellent line out - Pinned it!

RF – Very long bird - beautiful line to this duck


Bobby and Jammer came to the line at 8:09 am

LF – Short flyer - he went straight to it!

LR – Straight in the bush and to the bird

RF – Quick retrieve on this flyer

RR – Line was left and he had a left loop - then back over to the fall area and he located his bird. Nice.

Handle 64. FC-AFC HIGH PEAK’S AMERICAN SNIPER, “Kyle,” BLM, Justin Aimone

Justin and Kyle came to the line ...

LF – Out under the arc and arrived a little deep - a large loop and then he got it

LR – Out between the bushes - under the arc - kept going - was stopped and handled back to the bird

RF – Across the field left of the guns - turned right and scooped up the bird on his 2nd pass

RR – Nice line out to the blind - slowed down - turned and came back to the bird


John and Percy came to the line at 7:50 am

LF – Good line and a quick retrieve

LR – Line took him behind the blind and he kept going - handler quickly handled with a few whistles to the bird

RR – Good line to the area - turned right and went to the bird

RF – Good job! Lined to the arc and right to the bird

Handle 61. AFC MUDDY WATERS RUN DEEP, “Muddy,” BLF, Jeffery Talley

Jeff and Muddy came to the line at 7:37 am

LF – Straight to her bird

LR – Wide left and started getting into the flyer area - stopped and handled

RR – Nice line to the blind - turned and came back to the fall area and her bird

RF – Very long bird - out to the left of the guns - had a brief hunt, but she got it!

60. FC-AFC DRY CREEKS TRU BLU, “Trudy,” BLF, George Metka

George and Trudy came to the line at 7:28 am

LF – Good line out with a couple large loops when she arrived - then on to her bird

LR – Out under the arc, over to the blind and then immediately over to the bird

RR – Good line under the arc, then she went over to the bird on the right

RF – Line out was wide behind the guns - made a couple loops behind them and then over to the fall area and she got her bird


Dave and Fancy came to the line at 7:25 am and had a No-Bird, they will be back after 5.

No-bird 58. AFC RIDGECREST’S IMPIOUS, “Imp,” BLF, Judy Rasmuson

 Judy and Imp came to the line at 7:22 am and had a No-Bird, they will be back after 5.


Lauren and Foxx came to the line at 7:10 am

RF – Up the middle of the field and almost to the tree line - turned right and went out to the bird

LF – Out under the arc to the tree line - turned left - several loops and he got it

LR – Ran out under the arc and passed it - 4 whistles to stop - went wide left and hunted left and deep - gunners came out to help

Dog was picked up

5th Series Test Dog – Day 2

Warren-Hill’s Celtic Quest, “Brannagh,” LF
Owners: Peggy and Brian Knowles
Handler: Peggy Knowles

Our single test dog to the line today was Brannagh with handler Peggy Knowles .... Brannagh came to the line at 6:52 am

Left Flyer (LF) – Out in front of the guns under the arc - went left and directly to her bird

Right Retired (RR) – Out across the field into the water - going deep past the area - handled back to the bird

Left Retired (LR) – Under the arc and went deep past the area again - was handled back down to this bird

Right Flyer (RF) – Out to the area and got her bird

Conditions Report

Conditions at 6:50 am

71 degrees and little wind

2 right hand guns are still backlit from the sun


 We will begin with running the test dog at 6:50 am (ET), followed by our 1st running dog

Good Morning! – Day 5

Good morning! Day 5 brings us back to the Coutu property to finish the 5th Series Land / Water Quad. 

This test has proved to be challenging so far! This morning’s conditions are very similar to yesterday. It is currently 72 degrees, and quite humid. It is expected to reach 95 degrees today and remain sunny. 

SPECIAL NOTE: We have a bit of a delay on running the test dog this morning due to sun.

Good luck to the teams that have yet to run. Stay cool!