National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

2024 National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

6th Series

Series 6 – Land Blind

For this series, we will remain at the Coutu property in Pittsfield, ME. 

The running mat has moved just 8 yards to the right from where the 5th was run. The mat faces East, looking out over a hayfield dotted with trees and hay bales. 

A hen duck is placed 325 yards from the line, at the base of a small tree, just to the right of a hay bale. 

The line to this blind is under the arc of the Series 5 Right Retired. The line carries the dog across a narrow channel of water before they slide right of a patch of trees and through cover (the base of the old gun station), tight left of the first hay bale and then tight right of the second hay bale to recover the bird. 

This test takes approximately 2-3 minutes per dog. 

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