National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

2024 National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Worker's Party

This evening, we met at the Watersville Elks Lodge where we were treated to dinner, drinks and great music. It was a wonderful way to relax before we continue the 5th Series tomorrow morning. Good night everyone!


5th Series Closed Today at 2:15 pm (ET) (due to heat)

  • Dog #57 will start Wednesday morning
  • 1 Single Test Dog at 5:50 am
  • First 3 Running Dogs in Holding Blinds at 5:50 am
  • 1st Running Dog at 6:00 am (#57)

Good Night Everyone, Stay Cool! We hope to see you at the Workers' Party Tonight!

Worker's Party Tonight!

The party starts at 6:30 pm

Location: Waterville Elks Banquet & Conference Center
76 Industrial Street, Waterville, ME



5th Series testing is shutting down early at 2:15 pm (ET) due to the heat.


Mike and Blue came to the line ... 

LF – Good line out for a fast retrieve

LR – Good line to the area - curved left to get his bird

RR – Line went right to the area and he was quickly back with his bird

RF – Got it! Nice Job!

Handle 55. FC-AFC SEASIDE’S ISSHEIT, “Zoey,” BLF, Chad Worsell

Chad and Zoey came to the line at 1:53 pm

LF – Nice Job!

LR – Soft send - wide right - cut in towards the blind - quick whistle put her on the bird

RR – Across the field into the pond - hard right and she got her bird

RF – Right out to the bird and she scooped it up!

Handle Re-Run 46. AFC RIVERWOOD’S WINDY BLU, “Blu,” BLF, Mark Giese

Mark and Blue came back to the line at 1:35 pm for their Re-Run

LF – Straight to the bird

LR – Beautiful work on this bird - under the arc and she scooped it right up!

RF – Direct line to this bird

RR – Ran through the area and headed up the hill - was handled back to this bird

Double Handle 53. AFC CITORI’S AGENT SLOANE, “Jack,” BLF, Michael Moore

Michael and Jack came to the line ...

LF – Quick retrieve on this flyer

LR – Under the arc and kept going - immediately had a few whistles to bring her back to the bird

RF – Got it!

RR – Hunted briefly in the area, then headed out towards the flyer area and was handled again to this bird


John and Willow came to the line ...

LF – Out under the arc, left turn and to the bird

LR – Line took her right of the blind - had a couple loops and then went left to get the bird

RR – A couple short loops in the area and she had her bird

RF – A good line - then a large hunt left and right and deep - but she got the bird!

Double Handle 50. FC-AFC ATLASTA PRAYER, “Faith,” BLF, Bruce Ahlers

Bruce and Faith came to the line at 1:15 pm

LF – Under the arc - left to get her bird

LR – Wide right line out - right of the blind with the guns - checked out the hay bales deep - was handled back to the bird

RR – Excellent line to this bird

RF – Headed to the far right and kept on going - had to handle back to the fall area and her bird


Dogs After #74 are Dismissed for the Day!

Re-run 43. FC-AFC STILL WATER’S TRUTH OR DARA, “Dara,” YLF, Chad Griffin

Chad and Dara came back to the line at 1:05 pm for their Re-Run

LF – Good line out and she got her bird

LR – Good line to the area - a few loops from left to right at the blind and then back for her bird

RR – Several large loops left and right - out left past the blind and then over and she got it!

RF – Line brought her behind the guns - she hunted wide left and then came back over to the bird. Nice job!



Doyle and Kacey came to the line at 12:58 pm

LF – Straight to the bird!

LR – Ran out under the arc - slowed and started a hunt and she got it!

RR – Straight into the fall area, and she quickly got her bird

RF – Came in under the arc - set up a brief hunt and got it! Nice Job!


Alvin and Dozer came to the line at 12:40 pm

LF – Line took him under the arc and then he established a hunt in the arc area - then behind the guns and made several large loops from left to right out past the guns.

Dog was picked up.

**REMINDER** Workers' Party Tonight!


 Don't forget about the

Worker's Party Tonight!

The party starts at 6:30 pm

Location: Waterville Elks Banquet & Conference Center
76 Industrial Street, Waterville, ME

Hope to See You All There!

Handle 47. FC-AFC SEASIDE’S MOJO MOXY, “Boots,” BLF, Kathy Vignos

Kathy and Boots came to the line at 12:28 pm

LF – Angled across the field and straight to her bird

LR – Out wide right - had to handle back and over to the bird

RR – Ran through the mark, but stopped on her own and came back in to get her bird

RF – Got it!

No-Bird 46. AFC RIVERWOOD’S WINDY BLU, “Blu,” BLF, Mark Giese

Mark and Blue came to the line at 12:26 pm and had a No-bird on their Flyer, they will be back after 5.

Handle 45. FC-AFC HUNTER’S CHOICE XX, “Archie,” BLM, L. William Goldstein MD

William and Archie came to the line at 12:18 pm

LF – Good line out - went to the fall area and got his bird

LR – Went out and line brought him wide left of the blind and he ran towards the flyer guns - quickly handled with a few whistles to get his bird

RR – Good line brought him under the arc, then over and to the fall area - got his bird

RF – Nice line - went right to the bird without a hunt

Handle 44. FC-AFC DRAKE’S BAY IZZY, “Izzy,” BLF, Rick Wilke

Rick and Izzy came to the line at 12:08 pm

LF – Nice line to her bird on this flyer

RF – Dogs choice - straight to the fall area - 1 loop and then over to her bird

LR – Wide ride line out - she was stopped and handled back down to the blind and her bird

RR – Out to the fall area and hunted up her bird and got it!

No-Bird 43. FC-AFC STILL WATER’S TRUTH OR DARA, “Dara,” YLF, Chad Griffin

Chad and Dara came to the line and had a No-Bird on their flyer, they will be back after 5.

Handle 42. FC THE DARK WEB, “Hacker,” BLM, Sue Westlake

Sue and Hacker came to the line at 11:59 am

RF – Good line out to the arc, turned right and went for his bird

RR – Straight to the fall area and got the bird

LR – Good line but hunted the area and then took a couple loops toward the flyer guns - was handled with a few whistles to the bird.

LF – Good line - hunted the area upon arrival a little deep - then came back in and back to the bird.

Handle 41. FC-AFC HR ESPRIT’S GRADE A PEARL, “Pearl,” BLF, Gary Metzger

Gary and Pearl came to the line at 11:50 am

LF – Great line to her bird!

LR – Out under the arc - knew there was a bird, but she missed it! Quick whistle put her on the bird

RR – Line out took her left of the blind but when she past it, she turned hard right and went straight to the bird

RF – Took the water with a huge splash! Came up on the wrong side of the guns - adjusted her line and got her bird

Pick-Up 40. FC DAYS END BOY NAME SUE QA2, “Sue,” BLM, Mark Medford

Mark and Sue came to the line at 11:43 am

LF – Good line out and back in quickly with his bird

LR – Line out was wide right of the blind - a quick whistle and Mark tried to handle left to the bird, but the gunners had to come out to help

Dog was picked up.

39. FC-AFC BLACK LABS MATTER II, “Brody,” BLM, John Schneider

John and Brody came to the line at 11:32 am

LF – Right out to the area in front of the guns - had a hunt and he got it!

LR – Out under the arc - turned and he got the bird

RR – Drilled it!

RF – Perfect!

Handle 38. FC-AFC SEASIDE’S CRADLE ROBBER - OMG QA2, “Crook,” BLM, Mike Griffin

Mike and Crook came to the line ...

LF – Good line out - made a couple loops in the fall area and then on to the bird

RR – Good line, turned right to the fall area and got his bird

LR – Wide right line out - was handled quickly wide of the blind, several whistles to get the dog to go left and to this bird.

RF – Good line under the arc - turned right and went to the bird.

Handle 37. FC-AFC 3R’S MISTER T’S TOMMY, “Timmy,” BLM, Bradley LaFave

Bradley and Timmy came to the line at 11:13 am

LF – Straight to the fall area in front of the guns and then his bird.

RR – Out into the pond and then a little deeper and got the bird.

RF – He went out under the arc and out to his bird.

LR – Headed back to the flyer - had to be handled to this bird.

Handle 36. FC-AFC RAZOR’S BUCKSHOT, “Shooter,” BLM, Larry Vaske

Larry and Shooter came to the line at 11:02 am

LF – Quick retrieve of this flyer!

LR – Line out went wide right and he ran up the hill but was quickly handled back to the bird.

RF – Good line - took a loop under the arc and then to the bird.

RR – Good line out again and he turned right and got his bird.

Handle 34. FC THE TIN MAN, “Tor,” BLM, Naomi Evans

Naomi and Tor came to the line at 10:51 am

LF – Came in under the arc had a brief hunt and got it

LR – Out wide right right - made a circle deep and popped - handled back down to the bird

RF – Excellent line to the blind and then turned right - straight to his bird

RR – Stayed in front of the guns and then made a loop or 2 around them - out to the right for her bird

Double Handle 33. CNFC-AFC-CAFC BAYPOINT THANKSGIVING DREAM, “Cooper,” BLM, Bernard Landry

Bernard and Cooper came to the line at 10:41 am

LF – Good line to the fall area - he took a loop deep back to the trees and then back in to the fall area - hunted and located his bird.

LR – Out under the arc, but drove deep and came right back to the fall area and was handled to the bird when he left the fall area.

RF – Came in under the arc and to the bird.

RR – Good line out - hunted under the arc and then ran up the hill and was handled again with several whistles back to get this bird.


• Testing will shut down at 5:00 pm for the Worker's Party - Dogs after #88 are released for the day

• Tomorrow 1 Test Dog will run at 6:50 am

• First Running Dog at 7:00 am

**Gun Change**

 Gun Change at 10:29 am

Handle 32. PUNCH IT MILDRED, “Millie,” BLF, Mark Jenson

Mark and Millie came to the line at 10:19 am

LF – Flew across the field and came right in at the bird!

LR – Out under the arc and went deep - handled back down to the bird with the use of quite a few whistles

RF – Good mark!

RR – Beautiful line out through the water and straight to this bird

Handle 31. AFC INDIGO’S HOOK, LINE AND SINKER, “Catch,” BLM, Joanna Lewis

Joanna and Catch came to the line at 10:12 am

LF – Line under the arc - 1 turn right past the guns and then immediately left and to the bird

LR – Line brought him under the arc, 1 loop right near the blind and then 1 loop deep and he came back and located his bird.

RR – Line was left of the blind and he took a loop wide left - handler quickly handled with a whistle and that got him to the bird.

RF – His line brought him behind the guns, then he established a hunt left and deep - coming back to the fall area for a few more loops, then left again and back over to the fall and he got it!

Handle 30. AFC BAYOU-STAR BOOGIE WOOGIE, “Boogie,” BLF, Sylvia McClure

Sylvia and Boogie came to the line at 10:02 am

LF – Nice line to her bird

LR – Blew past the area - was handled back with a very clean handle

RR – Out through the pond - turned right and went straight for the bird

RF – Nice angle across the field - stayed in front of the guns and she got it.


Steve and Rex came to the line at 9:56 am

LF – Good line out and a loop left to the bird.

LR – Good line under the arc - 1 loop left around the blind and the bush and he had his bird.

RR – Good line took him under the arc, turned and went right to the bird.

RF – Another good line out and got his bird without a hunt! Nice.

Handle 28. AFC BAYOU TECHE PERFECT GAME, “Koufaxx,” BLM, Lauren Hays

Lauren and Koufaxx came to the line at 9:46 am

LF – Drove hard across the field and to his bird.

LR – Under the arc and then headed towards the marks on the right side of the field - came back to the tree with the bird - but missed it - back out right - stopped and was handled to this bird.

RF – Out to the fall area - a few loops upon arrival and he got it.

RR – Out to where the guns stood, turned left for a loop, then back right and got the bird.

Handle 27. FC-AFC HIGH DESERT MORNING, “Glory,” BLF, Ed Neilson

Ed and Glory came to the line at 9:36 am

LF – Straight to the fall area - a loop and then she had her bird.

LR – Straight line out to the fall - turned in and scooped up her bird.

RF – Hunted behind the guns, hunted back and forth for a few times and then she got it!

RR – Line took her out under the arc, near the blind but she kept going up the hill - she was quickly handled to the bird with a few whistles.


 Quick Rebird and fix a popper gun at 9:29 am


Joel and Torq came to the line at 9:19 am

LF – Smoked it!

LR – Handled as he was passing on the right - good handle

RR – Good line out and he got it!

RF – Through the water - drove the hill and came in behind the guns - turned right and out to the bird.


 Kevin and Ivy came to the line at 9:13 am

LF – Good line to the fall area, took 1 loop left and then back to get her bird.

LR – Perfect line under the arc - made 1 loop behind the bush in the fall area, then 1 loop right near the blind - then back around the bush and she got her bird.

RF – Her line out took her under the arc and near the blind - turned right and ran right to the bird.

RR – Great line out! Came in under the arc and went over to grab up her bird. Nice Job!

Handle 23. HYFLYER’S PLAYING WITH FIRE, “Sparky,” BLF, Randy Spangler

Randy and Sparky came to the line at 9:01 am

LF – Excellent line straight to this bird!

LR – Out under the arc - slowed down but kept going past it - handled and got it.

RR – Came in under the arc, turned and worked it out.

RF – Out to the backside of the guns, driving the hill - made a few turns deep left and then out to the fall area and she located her bird.

Handle 21. FC-AFC WOOD RIVER’S PERFECT PASS, “Lonzo,” BLM, Bill Fruehling

Bill and Lonzo came to the line at 8:51 am

LF – Straight to the fall area, turned around and got the bird.

RF – Line out was wide left - he took a loop near the left blind, then headed right across the field towards the right flyer, hunted the area left and right of the fall, and was handled when he went past the guns, and got the right flyer.

RR – Line took him out behind the blind and then he went over to locate his bird.

LR – Out wide right with a loop around the blind, then a loop behind the blind - went deep and then came back in to get his bird.

Double Handle 20. HIGH PEAK’S MVP, “Kobe,” BLM, Samantha Thompson

Sammy and Kobe came to the line ...

LF – Smack!

LR – Out to the blind - went deep and was handled back towards the bird and he got it.

RF – Excellent line out and he got it!

RR – Had a wide right line out to this bird - passed it and had to be handled back to the bird.

Pick-Up 19. FC-AFC YIPPEE KAI YEA MCBUNN, “Kai,” BLF, Steve Roegiers

Steve and Kai came to the line at 8:30 am

LF – Went to the fall area - had a loop left, then right and then back to the bird.

LR – Line out was wide right behind the blind - she kept going - a couple quick whistles got her to this bird.

RF – Line brought her under the arc and to the fall area - she took 1 loop to the bird.

RR – Took a line wide right through the woods and kept going - she was quickly handled back to the bird - guns came out to help just as the dog located the bird.

Dog was picked up.

Handle 17. FC-AFC BAYOU MAGIC’S FANNIE QUIGLEY QA2, “Fannie,” BLF, Frank Price

Frank and Fanie came to the line at 8:18 am

LF – Out to the fall area for a quick retrieve.

LR – Straight to the bush with the gunners - 1 loop and then she came back with no bird - was handled back to this bird.

RF – 1 turn by the guns and then straight right to the bird.

RR – Out through the small pond and straight to her bird.

Handle 16. AFC BIG RIVER CHARLIE II, “Charlie,” BLM, Jim Rickoff

 Jim and Charlie came to the line at 8:12 am

LF – Good line under the arc, hunted the fall area briefly before locating the bird.

LR – Good line under the arc again, kept going and was quickly handled back to the bird with 1 quick whistle.

RR – Straight to his bird!

RF – Good line through the arc, went deep, but came back quickly to get the bird with no hunting - right to it!

Pick-Up 15. FC-AFC SUSITNA’S SUMMER SOLSTICE MH QA2, “Sunny,” YLM, Michael Black

Michael and Sunny came to the line at 7:58 am

LF – Out to the fall area, established an extended hunt and got it.

RF – Came in front of the guns and took a hard right out to his bird.

LR – Went deep after finding the retired gun station and was handled back to the bird.

RR – Went out and missed it - guns came out to help.

Dog was picked up.

5th Series Test Dogs

Honga’s Over and Under Beretta QA2, “Rett,” LM
Owner: Deborah Gardner
Handler: Deborah Gardner

First test dog up was Rett and handler Deborah Gardner ... Rett came to the line at 7:19 am

LF – Out to the fall area and quickly got his mark

RF – Out into the pond and the backside of the guns - set up a hunt for 1 loop and then moved both left and right to locate his duck.

LR – He flew past the area towards the flyer and had to be handled back to this bird.

RR – Out to the tree and the bird - hunted the area and got it.

This test took Rett 9 minutes to complete.

Warren-Hill’s Celtic Quest, “Brannagh,” LF
Owners: Peggy and Brian Knowles
Handler: Peggy Knowles

Next up was test dog Brannagh with handler Peggy Knowles .... Brannagh came to the line at 7:31 am

LF – A couple loops and she got it.

RR – Went out under the arc, but then went too deep and was handled to this bird.

LR – Good line out, but drove past the area and was handled to this bird as well.

RF – Hunted behind the guns and then over to the fall area and located her bird.

This test took Brannagh 9 minutes to complete as well.

Series 5 – Land/Water Quad

Welcome to Day 4 of the National Amateur Retriever Championship! This morning, we are at the Coutu property in Pittsfield, ME for a land/water quad. 
Today is the first day of our predicted heat wave. While it is currently 69 degrees and partially cloudy, it is expected to reach 91 degrees this afternoon and be hotter yet tomorrow. 

Land / Water Quad with 2 Flyers and 2 Retired
The line sits on a dirt road, tight to a wood line, facing East into a hayfield. There is a narrow channel running through the field, and the field is dotted with haybales and shrubby trees. Currently there is a light breeze blowing over the handlers right shoulder.
This Quad is thrown in this order: Right Flyer, Right Retired, Left Retired, Left Flyer.
Bird # 1 is a drake duck flyer, shot left to right and landing 250 yards from the line. The line to this bird requires the dog to cross the channel and angle up the hill through several strips of cover. (We will call this bird RF for Right Flyer)
Bird # 2 is a dead hen duck, thrown left to right, landing 175 yards from the line. This bird is thrown on the edge of the water, in flooded cover. The gunners retire as soon as the dog is sent for the first bird. (We will call this bird RR for Right Retired)
Bird # 3 is a dead hen pheasant thrown right to left, landing 153 yards. The gunners retire as soon as the dog is sent for the first bird. (We will call this bird Left Retired for Left Retired) 
Bird # 4 is a hen pheasant flyer, shot right to left, landing 240 yards from the line. The line to this bird is tight to a line of trees. (We will call this bird LF for Left Flyer)

This test is taking approximately 9-10 minutes to complete.

Good Morning! – Day 4

Good morning on Day 4 of the National Amateur Retriever Championship!

This morning we are at Mike Coutu's property to run the 5th Series Land/Water Quad.

Currently, it is a temperate 68 degrees with mostly cloudy skies, and not very much wind to speak of. There is a heat advisory in effect today, as temps are expected to reach into the 90's. It's going to be a hot one today! So heat safety is definitely going to be especially important today.

We have just finished running the test dogs this morning, and the 5th Series is officially under way!

Stay Cool out There, and Best of Luck to All the Teams!

Judges at the 5th Series