National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

2024 National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

9th Series

Welcome to the final day of the 2024 National Amateur Retriever Championship!

This morning, after finishing the 8th Series, we moved to the Mosher property to start the 9th series.
It is currently 62 degrees, overcast, with light rain. We have a light 4 mph Southeast wind. 

Series 9
Land Triple

The mat faces North, on the side hill of a field that slopes left to right. The field is dotted with several short bushy trees.

Bird #1 is a mallard, thrown up the hill, right to left. It lands just on the backside of a hill near the tree line, 270 yards from the line. There are several bushy trees and a couple rolling hills for the dog to negotiate on way to this bird. The gunners retire as soon as the dog is sent for the flyer. (We will refer to this bird as MR as Middle Retired.)

Bird #2 is a hen pheasant, thrown left to right, landing 209 yards from the line. The line to this bird requires the dog to hold the side hill, before getting the bird near the treeline. The gunners retire as soon as the dog is sent for the flyer. (We will refer to this bird as LR for Left Retired.)

Bird #3 is a drake mallard flyer, shot left to right, landing 150 yards from the line. The line to this bird clips the left corner of a pothole pond. (We will refer to this bird as F for Flyer.)

This test takes approximately 6-7 minutes per dog.

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