National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

2024 National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

Sunday, June 16, 2024

**End of Day**

Test 3 - Day 2 Closed at 7:37 pm

  • Dog #45 will start Monday morning
  • 1 Single Test Dog at 6:50 am
  • 1st Running Dog at 7:00 am (#45)
Good Night Everyone!

44. FC-AFC DRAKE’S BAY IZZY, “Izzy,” BLF, Rick Wilke

Rick and Izzy came to the line at 7:29 pm

F – Straight up the field and out to her bird.

MR – Out to the tree - left behind the cattails and then straight to her bird.

RR – Through the pond - across the field and hunted left of the blind, back around the blind and then out to the bird.

Bye-Dog at 7:37 pm


Chad and Dara came to the line at 7:20 pm

F – Excellent mark!

MR – Slowed in the middle but then kept going - out to the tree and the blind and around - into the cattails and she got her bird!

RR – Out to the fall area and her bird.

42. FC THE DARK WEB, “Hacker,” BLM, Sue Westlake

Sue and Hacker came to the line ...

F – Good line to the fall area and scooped up his bird!

MR – Good line out and then over to the bush, then right back behind the cattails and in to retrieve his bird.

RR – Line went under the arc - made 1 pass near the blind and then over to his bird.

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41. FC-AFC HR ESPRIT’S GRADE A PEARL, “Pearl,” BLF, Gary Metzger

Gary and Pearl came to the line at 7:04 pm

F – Made a very nice move to the bird!

MR – Ran past the area on the left and went up the hill to the crest - turned back down and got into the cattails and came out with her bird!

RR – Angled out across the pond and field staying in front of the guns - took a right and worked her way to the bird with just a few steps.

40. FC DAYS END BOY NAME SUE QA2, “Sue,” BLM, Mark Medford

Mark and Sue came to the line at 6:57 pm

F – Lined close to the gunners, short left loop and then back straight to the bird.

MR – Good line out and took 2 loops around the blind/bush, then back into the cattails to get the bird.

RR – Good line under the arc for a quick retrieve of his bird.

39. FC-AFC BLACK LABS MATTER II, “Brody,” BLM, John Schneider

John and Brody came to the line at 6:48 pm

F – Good line under the arc - angled right to get the bird.

MR – Line brought him left of the cattails, turned left and made some big loops - came back and went around the blind/bush and then back to the cattails and got the bird.

RR – Line was behind the blind - made a big loop behind the blind, over to the area and got his bird.

38. FC-AFC SEASIDE’S CRADLE ROBBER - OMG QA2, “Crook,” BLM, Mike Griffin

Mike and Crook came to the line at 6:38 pm

F – Across the field & up the hill he quickly found his bird.

MR – Through the gap under the arc and deep - back around the tree and the blind a couple turns and then back, down to the cattails and his bird!

RR – Out to the holding blind, he worked his way out to the bird.

37. FC-AFC 3R’S MISTER T’S TOMMY, “Timmy,” BLM, Bradley LaFave

Bradley and Timmy came to the line at 6:30 pm

F – Line right to the bird

MR – Line to the left and stayed close with a few loops right and back around the cattails to get his bird.

RR – A good line, then a few loops under the arc - a loop behind the blind and a couple more loops to get the bird.

Long Day!

 The only one under the Retriever News tent that still feels cute, bright eyed and bushy tailed this afternoon!

36. FC-AFC RAZOR’S BUCKSHOT, “Shooter,” BLM, Larry Vaske

Larry and Shooter came to the line at 6:18 pm

F – Very short and almost deep of the gunners - very nice job work this out!

MR – Came in on a good line, turned and rounded the tree, back to the cattails and dug out the bird.

RR – Swam the pond - on a nice line - veered left of the holding blind - back out in front and he got it.

Double Handle 35. HOUSTON WE HAVE IGNITION QA2, “Houston,” BLM, Richard Larsen

Richard and Houston came to the line at 6:08 pm

F – Line under the arc  - a few loops in the area and he got the bird.

MR – Line out was way left and was immediately handled, it took multiple whistles to get the dog to the right and to the cattails to find the bird.

RR – Turned around past the water and was immediately handled again to this bird.

Re-run 28. AFC BAYOU TECHE PERFECT GAME, “Koufaxx,” BLM, Lauren Hays

Lauren and Koufaxx came back to the line ...

F – Came in well in front of the guns - turned right and moved out to his bird.

MR – Straight to the fall area and his bird.

RR – Through the pond and straight to the fall area and the bird.

34. FC THE TIN MAN, “Tor,” BLM, Naomi Evans

Naomi and Tor came to the line at 5:53 pm

F – Line under the arc, a loop left and right and a few tight loops to find the bird.

MR – One loop around the blind/bush and back to the cattails and got his bird.

RR – Line under the arc and near the blind, then a few loops in the fall area and under the arc to get the bird.

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**Gun Change**

 Gun Change at 5:37 pm


Bernard and Cooper came to the line at 5:29 pm

F – Direct line up the hill to the bird.

MR –  Straight to the bird.

RR – Stayed in front of the holding blind - hunted a few loops out to the bird.

Bye-Dog Brannagh with handler Peggy Knowles

32. PUNCH IT MILDRED, “Millie,” BLF, Mark Jenson

Mark and Millie came to the line at 5:23 pm

F – Smack!

MR – Straight through the little pond and straight to the bird!

RR – Came in from the right and front footed it!

**Conditions Change**

 Wind was due North when this test started and now it is Due South.

31. AFC INDIGO’S HOOK, LINE AND SINKER, “Catch,” BLM, Joanna Lewis

Joanna and Catch came to the line at 5:12 pm

F – Short flyer - the dog took a good line to the fall area - had a few loops right and left past the guns and then to the bird.

MR – Line to the left of the cattails then up the hill and back to the cattails a few times - around the blind and back around the cattails to get the bird.

RR – Good line, 1 loop in front of the blind, then a few loops under the arc and on to the bird.

30. AFC BAYOU-STAR BOOGIE WOOGIE, “Boogie,” BLF, Sylvia McClure

Sylvia and Boogie came to the line at 5:04 pm

F – Out to the fall area and then her bird.

MR –  Straight to the bird - beautiful job!

RR – Hunted left of the holding blind for 2 big loops and then moved right and out to the bird.


Ron and Rex came to the line at 4:58 pm

F – Under the arc and veered right to grab his bird.

MR – Line to the left of the cattails, running hard but turned back, then had a loop behind the cattails and in to get his bird.

RR – A few loops under the arc and near the blind and then he got it!

No-bird 28. AFC BAYOU TECHE PERFECT GAME, “Koufaxx,” BLM, Lauren Hays

Lauren and Koufaxx came to the line at 4:50 pm and received a No-bird on the Flyer. They will go back 6 dogs.

27. FC-AFC HIGH DESERT MORNING, “Glory,” BLF, Ed Neilson

Ed and Glory came to the line at 4:40 pm

F – Good line under the arc and 1 turn to go to the bird.

MR – Line went out under the arc, 1 loop behind the cattails and then into them to get the bird.

RR – Her line was just behind the blind, 1 loop behind the blind and then over to the fall area, a couple tight loops and she got it.


Matt and Ravin came to the line at 4:30 pm

F – Excellent line to her Flyer!

MR – Short throw - came in straight to the gap and turned right, turned back left and scooped up from the front side of the cattails.

RR – Went left of the blind and out of sight - gunner came out to help him get the bird.

Dog was picked up.


Joel and Torq came to the line at 4:24 pm

F – Good line under the arc - one loop left near the guns and then over to the bird.

MR – Short throw - He Went straight to the bird!

RR – Good line out - made a loop over and got the bird.


Kevin and Ivy came to the line at 4:15 pm

F – Out to the fall area and got the bird on the second pass - very quick - nice retrieve.

MR – Into the 1st pond - made a loop back behind the pond, into the cattails - missed it - got it on the 2nd loop!

RR – Through the pond - went the wrong way behind the blind  - made a big loop and then straight out to the bird.

23. HYFLYER’S PLAYING WITH FIRE, “Sparky,” BLF, Randy Spangler

Randy and Sparky came to the line ...

F – Good line under the arc, turned right and straight to the bird.

MR – Line was left of the cattails, she ran up the hill and came back down and made a loop in the front of the blind, then went right back to the bird.

RR – A couple loops under the arc, then behind the blind and then back to the fall area and located her bird.

21. FC-AFC WOOD RIVER’S PERFECT PASS, “Lonzo,” BLM, Bill Fruehling

Bill and Lonzo came to the line at 3:57 pm

F – Pinned it!

MR – Straight to the tree and the bird - under the arc a quick turn left and he got it.

RR – Across the pond, out to the blind, turned right and straight to the bird.

20. HIGH PEAK’S MVP, “Kobe,” BLM, Samantha Thompson

Sammy and Kobe came to the line at 3:50 pm

F – Good line and a couple loops under the arc and he located his bird.

MR – Good line out with a loop past the cattails and then he got his bird.

RR –  Another good line with a couple loops to get his bird.

19. FC-AFC YIPPEE KAI YEA MCBUNN, “Kai,” BLF, Steve Roegiers

Steve and Kai came to the line at 3:39 pm

F – Straight to the bird!

MR – Went under the arc and got it!

RR – Through the pond, across the field left of the blind for a big loop - came bak past the blind and out to her bird.

Pick-Up 18. FC-AFC INDIGO REV IT UP AT SHORELINE, “Rex,” BLM, Linda Berkeley-Weiss

Linda and Rex came to the line at 3:30 pm

F – Line brought him under the arc and he went straight to the fall area and the bird.

MR – Line went just left of the cattails, then he established a large hunt, made many loops far right and back. Handler attempted to handle him to the bird, but the Gunners came out to help and the dog was picked up.

Dog was picked up. 


Frank and Fannie came to the line at 3:20 pm

F – Very short bird and she ran right to it!

MR – Wide left and she headed up the hill turned and grabbed her bird!

RR – Out to the area and got her bird Quick!

16. AFC BIG RIVER CHARLIE II, “Charlie,” BLM, Jim Rickoff

Jim and Charlie came to the line at 3:13 pm

F – Good line under the arc and right to the bird.

MR – A few large loops to the right of the blind and then back and forth in front, then into the cattails and the bird. 

RR – Line out was slightly wide, then he had a short hunt and a couple loops in the arc to get his bird.


Michael and Sunny came to the line ...

F – Excellent line came in just left, he made a quick turn and scooped up his bird.

MR – Excellent line going out - stopped at the cattails, turned right and grabbed his bird.

RR – Out to the holding blind - circled the blind and went to the fall area - missed - recircled and went back out far enough to get his bird.

14. FC-AFC SEASIDE’S SMARTY JONES, “Smarty,” BLF, Derek Smith

Derek and Smarty came to the line at 2:56 pm

F – Quick retrieve of her Flyer.

MR – Several loops around to the right and back and then into the cattails to grab her bird.

RR – Initial line was by the blind, then a few loops to the left/behind the blind and back and she got the bird.

**Information - Instructions**

• There will be another Gun Change at dog #33

• We will run dogs until 8:00 pm today

• Dogs after the gun change at #53 are excused

• One test dog will run Monday morning at 6:50 am

• First running dog will start at 7:00 am Monday morning

• First 4 running dogs must be in the holding blinds at 6:50 am Monday morning when the test dog runs.

• Check the Blog this evening to see what the first running dog # will be tomorrow morning.

**Gun Change**

 Gun Change at 2:43 pm

13. FC-AFC DR DANY MD, “Dany,” BLF, Dick Kaiser

Dick and Dany came to the line at 2:33 pm

F – Several loops left and right before she found her bird.

MR – Very wide right with loops back around the tree and into the cattails, and she got her bird.

RR – Through the pond - out and circled the holding blind and out to her bird.

Bye-Dog Brannagh with Handler Peggy Knowles

12. JAGGER’S RUFF-N-READY ROADTRIP QA2, “Jagger,” CLM, Jeff Deelstra

Jeff and Jagger came to the line at 2:24 pm

F – A few loops in the fall area and he got the bird.

MR – Line was wide right then several large loops on the right and the left of the blind and around the large bush. Came in and got the bird out of the cattails.

RR – Several large loops left and back of the blind, and looped right then around the blind and back over to located the bird.

11. RIDGECREST’S JUST FOR A LARK QA2, “Whimsy,” BLF, Betsy Broyd

Betsy and Whimsy came to the line at 2:16 pm

F – Directly to the bird.

MR – Great line - went right behind the tree and hunted both right and deep - short right and moved to cattails and her bird.

RR – Nice angle across the pond - went behind and really deep - back to the fall area and her bird.

10. FC-AFC JS’S JUMPIN’ JACK FLASH QA2, “Jack,” BLM, Chad Worsell

Chad and Jack came to the line at 2:07 pm

F – Line under the arc and a couple small loops to get to his bird.

MR – Line was to the left of the cattails - the dog ran all the way up and over the hill, then came right back down and straight to the bird.

RR – Line was left of the blind - made a few loops on both sides and then to the bird.


Bob and Magic came to the line at 1:59 pm

F – Excellent line - put her nose on it!

MR – Short throw and she was straight to the bird.

RR – Out behind the blind - came back to the correct side and got her bird.

8. FC-AFC TIPPECANOE’S SHEAMUS, “Amos,” BLM, George Wamsley

George and Amos came to the line at 1:49 pm

F – Line straight tot eh fall area and he got his bird.

MR – Line was right of the blind, then he made several loops in the area left and right and dove in the cattails to retrieve his bird.

RR – Line under the arc near the blind, made one loop and he was to his bird.


Bert and Raymond came back to the line at 1:36 pm

F – Pinned it!

MR – Had a hunt just past the pond back and forth - into the water and out - back and forth - worked his way out to the cattails and made a few quick turns and got his bird.

RR – Through the pond and out to the bird.


Mark and Deacon came to the line at 1:28 pm

F – Out under the arc, angled right and ran straight to the bird.

MR – Line under the arc, went just past it, came into the cattails and got his bird.

RR –  Line was right of the fall, then had several loops on both sides of the blind until he located his bird.


Alvin and Mick came to the line at 1:19 pm

F – Short flyer - short hunt

MR – Wide right going out but bent left and went under the arc - got left and deep, but he came back in and got it quickly.

RR – Pinned it!

5. AFC TUBB’S GREATEST HIT, “Walker,” BLM, George Francis

George and Walker came to the line at 1:08 pm

F – Long hunt left and right of the gunners but he got his bird.

MR – Good line and hunted close a few loops back and right and then into the cattails and he got the bird.

RR – Good line and quickly got the bird.

Handle 4. FC-AFC SEASIDE’S MOGAN DAVID, “Mogan,” BLM, Rodger Williams

Rodger and Mogan came to the line at 12:55 pm

MR – Under the arc - around the back to the top of the hill - came back and circled left and right hunting the right side hard - wide right - dog was handled to the bird with some challenges, but he got it!

F – Got behind the guns - moved out to the front and hunted left and right and worked it out and got his bird.

RR – Straight to the bird!


Mary and Whiskey came to the line at 12:47 pm

F – Good line -  a couple loops in the grass before going up the thill and to the bird.

MR – Line was wide left and the dog drove up the hill. Handler immediately blew the whistle a few times and handled the dog to the bird.

RR – Good line out - he looped over to the blind and then back to the bird.

Handle 2. YOU STOLE MY HEART MAGGIE MAE, “Maggie,” BLF, Kyle Broussard

Kyle and Maggie came to the line at 12:34 pm

F – Out to the area in front of the guns - a short hunt and she got her bird.

MR – Through the short pond - she ran past the bird on the left to the top of the hill - stopped and came back right on the road, back to the blind, back right for a large hunt out to the tall tree - came back left and headed towards the flyer area - handler stopped her and handled her to the bird.

RR – Out across the pond to the holding blind - adjusted her hunt - ran right and got her bird.


Bert and Raymond came to the line at 12:32 pm and had a No-bird on the Flyer, they will be back after 5.

Re-run 96. FC-AFC RMR’S WON’T BE STUMPED, “Mugs,” BLM, Sarah Love

Sarah and Mugs came back to the line at 12:24 pm

F – Good line and to the bird.

MR – Straight to the cattails and in to get the bird.

RR – Great line to the fall area -  a couple tight loops and he scooped up his bird.

Pick-Up 103. FC TUCQUAN’S TAKIN’ THE RYSK, “Rysk,” BLM, Tom Ford

Tom and Rysk came to the line at 12:14 pm

F – On a good line, but changed course and ended up by the gunners - moved out to the fall area and the bird.

MR – Wide right across the field, came back to the blind and guns - got deep and then very wide right - kept returning to the road in the back, went to the tall tree in far right background - started to handle - but the guns ended up coming out to help

Dog was picked up.

Pick-Up 101. FC-AFC J & C’S ANOTHER ROUND IN THE CHAMBER, “Bullet,” BLM, Joseph Couey

Joe and Bullet came to the line ...

MR – Line was to the left of the cattails and he drove through and up the hill - hunted over the hill and then made big loops right of the blind. The dog was handled but could not see him to get the dog to the bird - Guns came out and helped him to the bird.

Dog was picked up.

Pick-Up 100. FC-AFC LJ’S TEXAS KING OF BLUES, “Ray,” BLM, Mark Littlejohn

Mark and Ray came to the line ...

F – Out to the area in front of the guns and had a tight hunt, worked back out and quickly got it.

MR – Rand past the cattails and kept going - a quick whistle stopped him but multiple whistles followed and he still had problems finding the bird - gunners came out to help.

Dog was picked up

Pick-Up 99. ANGEL’S ENVY ON THE ROCKS QA2, “Rye,” BLM, Don Garrett

Don and Rye came to the line at 11:50 am

F – Straight to the bird.

MR –  Good line under the arc - then a large out of the area hunt - was handled to attempt to get the bird but was picked up.

Dog was picked up.


Malcolm and Poncho came to the line at 11:40 am

F – Ran up towards the guns, moved right and out towards the bird a few turns and he got it.

MR – Out to the tree and the blind - around and around hunting close but couldn't locate the bird - he worked around the cattails - got on the back left side - his nose came up and he got his bird!

RR – Out through the pond around the holding blind and straight out to his bird.

97. AFC HUNTLEIGH’S QUINTESSA, “Tessa,” BLF, Bruce Ahlers

Bruce and Tessa came to the line at 11:29 am

F – Good line to the arc, one short loop left the just above the guns, then straight over to the bird.

MR – Good line to the left of the cattails - went deep  then came back, hunted wide right, back and forth several loops, came back and dug into the cattails to get her bird.

RR – Good line under the arc and she got her bird.

**Gun Change**

 Gun Change at 11:07 am

No-Bird 96. FC-AFC RMR’S WON’T BE STUMPED, “Mugs,” BLM, Sarah Love

Sarah and Mugs came to the line and received a No-bird on the Flyer, they will be back after 5.

95. FC-AFC MARSHWIND’S TURBULENCE, “Evie,” BLF, Bente Kongsore

Bente and Evie came to the line at 10:54 am

F – Took the water and her line brought her just behind the guns and then she was on to her bird.

MR – Line went under the arc and she went up the hill one loop and came back to the bird.

RR – Nice line to the arc and over to get the bird.

94. FC-AFC INDIGO HELLO DOLLY, “Dolly,” YLF, Mark Medford

Mark and Dolly came to the line at 10:43 am

F – Very nice line - came in just left of the bird, turned and grabbed her bird.

MR – Came into the tree with the blind and got to the back side of the cattails and worked down the line until she found her bird. Never leaving the fall area.

RR – Across the field, through the pond and out to the fall area and quickly got her bird.

Handle 93. FC-AFC HIGH ROAD ABE, “Abe,” BLM, Randi Johannis

Randi and Abe came to the line at 10:33 am

F – Great line and he got his bird quickly.

MR – Great line under the arc, then hunted right, deep and all around - handler handled him to the bird after many misses.

RR – Line behind the blind but then straight to the bird.

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92. FC-AFC BAYOU TECHE EXPRESS, “Ryan,” BLF, Lauren Hays

Lauren and Ryan came to the line at 10:20 am

F – Out to the fall area - made a tight loop or two and she got it.

MR – Went to the right fo the tree, made a  loop right, hunted hear the right side - moving all on the right, then back to the left side but missed her bird - continued to return and hunt the right side. Worked back left and then deep, came up to the cattails and she got it!

RR – Out through the pond - went to the holding blind and then moved to the bird.

90. FC-AFC TECHE’S BAYOU KAT, “Kate,” BLF, Wayne Stupka

Wayne and Kate came to the line at 10:11 am

F – Straight to the bird.

MR – Line was wide right, but went straight over to the cattails, one pass behind and then in to get the bird.

RR – Good Line to the arc, then a couple quick loops behind and around the blind, then over to the bird.


Craig and Skeeter came to the line at 10:01 am

F – Short flyer - he went out towards the guns - then right and quickly back left to his bird.

MR – Into cover in front of the tree, moved under the arc to behind the cattails - came through the cattails to the bird.

RR – Out through the pond, on out across the field towards the blind, right into the fall area and then the bird.

88. FC-AFC BAYOU TECHE PAINT THE BLACK, “Madduxx,” BLM, Jamie Woodson

Jamie and Madduxx came to the line at 9:53 am

F – Lined right to the fall area - turned his body around and scooped up his bird.

MR – Line went out under the arc - and he came back in with his bird quickly.

RR – Line was wide right, and he established a short hunt and was out of sight in the tall grass? - then he went left and got his bird.

87. FC-AFC BENTWATER’S PERFECT STORM, “Hailee,” BLF, Steve Helgoth

Steve and Hailee came to the line at 9:41 am

F – Nice line - she scooped it up!

MR – Ran to the right side of the tree and blind and started her hunt there - she hunted wide right, moved back to the tree and moved her hunt to the cattails and found her rooster.

RR – Out into the field, and then out through the pond and on to the correct side of the guns - ran into cover and the tree line and got back behind the guns before moving out to the fall area and locating her bird.

Re-run 80. FC-AFC COSTA’S N. Z. WARRIOR, “Haka,” BLM, Steve Costa

Steve and Haka came back to the line at 9:30 am

F – One loop behind the guns and over to his bird.

MR – Line was wide right out, then hunted right and back. Continued hunting coming close to the cattails fall area many times, until he finally went in and got the bird.

RR – Line was under the arc, then he made a few loops around and past the blind - then over to the fall and got the bird.

86. FC-AFC CANDLEWOOD’S TOM TOM, “Drummer,” BLM, Bradley LaFave

Bradley and Drummer came to the line at 9:21 am

F – Nice line across the field and up the hill to his bird.

MR – Wide right line out, right of the blind - hunted the right side - around the back and then out behind the cattails - went in tot he cattails and he came out with his bird.

RR – Out left on the wrong side the guns and went deep - adjusted back to the holding blind and out to find his bird.

Pick-Up 85. FAST FREDDY QA2, “Freddy,” YLM, Jeff Atchley

Jeff and Freddy came to the line ...

F – Good line, one loop past the gunners and over to his bird.

MR –  Good line left of the fall area, but drove up the hill towards the flyer fall area. Handler tried to handle the dog from the old fall area, but the guns had to come out and help the dog.

Dog was picked up.


Thierry and Otis came to the line at 8:58 am

F – This was an excellent line with a very tight hunt to get his bird. Good.

MR – Out to the tree with the blind, hunted around and around. Went deep and the handler blew their whistle and started to handle - very difficult with multiple whistles but he got it.

RR – Out across the field, through the pond and out to the blind, started a hunt, covered a lot of ground but he got his bird.

83. FC-AFC OLLIE OOP, “Ollie,” BLF, John Stracka

John and Ollie came to the line at 8:49 am

F – Lined to the arc, a couple small loops near the fall area and then right to her bird.

MR – Line was wide right and had many large loops from the right, hunting the fall area but missing the bird when looping around. She did work it out and got it.

RR – Good line to the arc, a few short loops in the area then over to the bird.


Jim and Splash came to the line at 8:42 am

MR – Went out wide right and arrived right of the tree with the blind, circled the tree and hunted the area extensively.

Dog was picked up

81. FC-AFC TRUMARC’S WEST POINT, “Army,” BLM, Sylvia McClure

Sylvia and Army came to the line at 8:32 am

F – Line was under the arc, took one loop left and right in the fall area and he had his bird.

MR – Line was wide right, then he took many large loops from right and back to the fall area, then a few loops left and finally got his bird.

RR – Good line to the area and made a loop under the arc, then went to the fall and got his bird.

No-bird 80. FC-AFC COSTA’S N. Z. WARRIOR, “Haka,” BLM, Steve Costa

Steve and Haka came to the line at 8:30 am and had a No-bird on the Flyer, they will be back in 5.


Robby and Mickey came to the line at 8:15 am

MR – Ran to this gun 1st - hunted tree area hard - got very deep and then wide right. A 6 minute hunt, but he got it!

RR – Out through the pond and directly to the blind - took a hard right out to the fall area and got it.

F – Straight out - a really good recovery from a tough start.

77. FC-AFC BAYOU-STAR FLEURTY GIRL, “Fleurt,” BLF, Mark Menzies

Mark and Fleurt came to the line at 8:08 am

F – Short area hunt with a few loops between the guns and the fall area before she found her bird,

MR – Good line, one small loop slightly short and then she went right to the area and dug out the bird.

RR – Good line to the arc, then one loop over to the blind and back to the bird.


Matt and Brees came to the line at 7:59 am

F – Straight to the fall area and her bird.

MR – Stopped for a few loops where there is a large bush out in the field short of the fall area but online, moved out to hunt deep of the cattails with large loops, came back to the trees with the holding blind, worked the area and found her bird.

RR – Straight out across the field and quickly got her duck.


 Gunners were sent out to scent the fall areas after the test dogs ran.

Series 3 – Water Triple with an Honor

Welcome to Day Two of the 2024 National Amateur Retriever Championship! 

For the 3rd Series we are brought back to the Knowles Property in Clinton, ME. 

 It is a cool 58 degrees with a gentle 4 mph breeze from the north. It is expected to reach 74 degrees today and remain sunny with clear skies. 
97 dogs have been called back to run this series.

Water Triple with an Honor

The mat faces southeast, atop a mound overlooking a hayfield with lush cover, mowed in thick strips.
Bird #1 (RR) is a hen mallard thrown left to right, landing 330 yards from the running mat. The line to this bird carries the dog through 2 strips of cover, into a small pond. Swimming between two points, the dog exits the pond and must push out, angling through several strips of mowed cover. The gunners retire when the dog is sent for the flyer. 
Bird #2 (MR) is a rooster pheasant thrown from right to left, landing 225 yards from the mat. The gunners stand atop a mound, throwing their bird into a draw, behind a patch of tall cattails. The line to this bird takes the dog out across the field, through a slot of bushes, clipping a corner of a small pond before heading into the draw for the bird. The gunners retire as soon as the dog is sent for the flyer. 
Bird #3 (F) is a hen mallard flyer, shot left to right, landing 275 yards from the running mat. The line to this bird requires the dog to angle through several strips of mowed cover, running between 2 ponds. The gunners are instructed to shoot all four shells.
After the dog runs the marks, they move 5 yards to the right to the honor box. 

This test is taking approximately 11-13 minutes to complete.

3rd Series Test Dogs

Honga’s Over and Under Beretta QA2, “Rett,” LM
Deborah Gardner
Deborah Gardner

First up was Rett and handler Deborah Gardner ... Rett came to the line at 7:15 am

Flyer – Out to the fall area - nice hunt and he found his duck

Middle Retired – Into tree area where the gunners hide - hunted around the trees and hunted the cattails, but kept missing this rooster that landed in the heavy cattails.

Right Retired – Crashed through the pond on his way to the long bird. Covered a wide area in front of the holding blind and then behind, but he worked it out and got his bird.

This test took Rett 12 minutes to complete.

Warren-Hill’s Celtic Quest, “Brannagh,” LF
Owners: Peggy and Brian Knowles
Handler: Peggy Knowles

Our second test dog to the line today was Brannagh with handler Peggy Knowles .... Brannagh came to the line at 7:30 am

Flyer – Good line, a few loops under the arc and she got her duck.

Middle Retired – Beached right and went to the top of the hill and hunted far right of the bird. Hunted in cover on the way to the bird area, and she got it!

Right Retired – Hunted the area right and left, but needed to be handled to this bird.

This test took Brannagh 9 minutes to complete.

Good Morning! – Day 2

Good Morning Everyone and Welcome to Day 2 of the 2024 National Amateur!

This morning we are going to be starting the 3rd Series. The test dogs are scheduled to run at 7:15 am, and then our first running dog at 8:00 am (Dog #76).

The conditions today are expected to be mostly sunny clear skies with a high around 75 degrees, and very little wind. Conditions will be updated as the day goes on. Stay tuned to the blog as we prepare to begin the 3rd Series. And if you are a Retriever News subscriber, be sure to check out All Access for bonus content, videos and interviews! (subscribe today to gain access!)

We have 97 Dog teams set to Start this Series. Best of luck to all the teams running!

Special Note: You can view all the dog profiles entered in this event, brought to you by Retriever Results! Retriever Results Sponsored Dog Profiles: