National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

2024 National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

Thursday, June 20, 2024



Testing is shutting down for the day due to weather.

The 7th Series will resume Friday Morning

  • 1 test dog at 6:15 am
  • 1st running dog to the line at 7:00 am (#66)
  • Same Location

Callbacks to the 7th Series

38 dogs were called back: 1, 10, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 36, 37, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 47, 49, 52, 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 65, 66, 67, 68,72, 77, 81, 83, 86, 88, 89, 93, 95 and 96.

4 dogs dropped: 7, 11, 38 and 46

Dog #66 will start the 7th Series 

6th Series Recap

Thursday, June 20, 2024

6th Series – Land Blind

42 Dogs Started this Series

Test Dogs started out this series at 11:41 am, beginning with "Rett" then "Brannagh." This gave the competitors an idea of what to expect for this Land Blind. 

Our first running dog #36 FC-AFC RAZOR’S BUCKSHOT, “Shooter,” with handler Larry Vaske came to the line at 12:00 pm.

This fast moving series was a Blind so there aren't many stats to report 
Pick-Ups (1): 11

Our last running dog for the day, and for this series was dog #30 AFC BAYOU-STAR BOOGIE WOOGIE, “Boogie,” with handler Sylvia McClure. They completed the test at 2:17 pm.

42 dogs were sent from the line in this series, taking a total of 2 hours and 14 minutes, which averages out to be just over 3 minutes per dog. 

We are moving on to the 7th Series Friday Morning

6th Series – Test Complete

 Test Ended. Series 6 was completed and in the books at 2:17 pm.

**Callbacks up next**

30. AFC BAYOU-STAR BOOGIE WOOGIE, “Boogie,” BLF, Sylvia McClure

Sylvia and Boogie came to the line at 2:15 pm

3 whistles in the woods

1 to the water

1 before the gap

2 to get in the gap

2 more back and to the bird


Steve and Rex came to the line ...

Initial line carried to the end of the trees

1st whistle carried past the water

2 more to get under the arc and past the bale

2 or 3 more to get the bird

28. AFC BAYOU TECHE PERFECT GAME, “Koufaxx,” BLM, Lauren Hays

Lauren and Koufaxx came to the line at 2:09 pm

Initial line carried to the old blind area 

1 whistle almost to the bird

1 more and a check down and he got it

27. FC-AFC HIGH DESERT MORNING, “Glory,” BLF, Ed Neilson

Ed and Glory came to the line at 2:05 pm

Initial line carried her to the start of the trees

1 quick whistle and then 1 more at the end of the trees

1 to carry out to the water

2 to get under the old arc

1 to get left and of the bale

2 to get to the bird


Joel and Torq came to the line at 2:02 pm

1 whistle after the woods to the water

1 more to get to the gap

5 whistles near the end to get him right and get the bird (dog may not have seen the handler when he was trying to cast)


Kevin and Ivy came to the line at 1:59 pm

2 whistles in the woods

1 to go left and to the water

1 in the water

1 left through the gap

2 more to get the bird

23. HYFLYER’S PLAYING WITH FIRE, “Sparky,” BLF, Randy Spangler

Randy and Sparky came to the line at 1:56 pm

1 whistle before the woods

1 at the end of the woods

1 before the water

1 in front of the blind

3 more to get to the gap

2 more back after the gap

1 at the bird

Pick-Up 11. RIDGECREST’S JUST FOR A LARK QA2, “Whimsy,” BLF, Betsy Broyd

Betsy and Whimsy came to the line at 1:52 pm

Initial line carried her to the end of the trees

1 or 2 whistles to the water

1 more to go under the arc of the old fall and pass the bale on the left

3 more whistles and the dog was out of sight

Blind planter came to help

Dog was picked up

10. FC-AFC JS’S JUMPIN’ JACK FLASH QA2, “Jack,” BLM, Chad Worsell

Chad and Jack came to the line at 1:xx pm

Initial line took him to under the arc of the old fall

Several more at the end to the bird


Mark and Deacon came to the line at 1:47 pm

Initial line to the edge of the water

Carried this line to the old blind and stayed right

2 whistles to get past the bale

Quite a few more whistles to get to the bird from wide left


Bert and Raymond came to the line ... 

1 whistle before the woods

1 in the woods

1 before the water

1 to go through the bale gap

3 to get back

1 more whistle to get the bird

96. FC-AFC RMR’S WON’T BE STUMPED, “Mugs,” BLM, Sarah Love

Sarah and Mugs came to the line at 1:39 pm

2 whistles to the water

1 to get through the bale gap

1 to go back (right)

1 to go left

4 whistles at the end

95. FC-AFC MARSHWIND’S TURBULENCE, “Evie,” BLF, Bente Kongsore

Bente and Evie came to the line at 1:35 pm

1 whistle before the woods (left casts)

1 to get to the gap

2 to go back (right)

2 more to get the bird

93. FC-AFC HIGH ROAD ABE, “Abe,” BLM, Randi Johannis

Randi and Abe came to the line at 1:31 pm

Initial line carried to the water

1st whistle carried to the old blind and stayed left of the bale

3 more whistles and he got the bird


Craig and Skeeter came to the line at 1:28 pm

Initial line took him to the end of the trees

Carried this line through the water

1st whistle to go tight right to the old blind

2nd whistle to get left of the bale

2 more on the way wide left

1 or 2 more and he missed on the left - still wide

A few more whistles to get the bird



There will be Another Series Run Today!

It will be Series 7 - Water Blind - directly after the ending of the 6th Series

88. FC-AFC BAYOU TECHE PAINT THE BLACK, “Madduxx,” BLM, Jamie Woodson

Jamie and Madduxx came to the line at 1:25 pm

Initial line and 1 quick up front to adjust the line

1 whistle in the water - got very wide right

1 to go closer to the old blind

1 to stay left of the bale

Several more to the end

86. FC-AFC CANDLEWOOD’S TOM TOM, “Drummer,” BLM, Bradley LaFave

Bradley and Drummer came to the line at 1:23 pm

1 whistle at the far edge of the woods

1 to the water

2 more to get the bale gap (1 right cast, 1 left)

2 more back to the bird

83. FC-AFC OLLIE OOP, “Ollie,” BLF, John Stracka

John and Ollie came to the line at 1:21 pm

1 whistle in the woods

1 in the water (too far left)

2 to get the bale gap

1 more at the bird

81. FC-AFC TRUMARC’S WEST POINT, “Army,” BLM, Sylvia McClure

Sylvia and Army came to the line at 1:18 pm

1 whistle past the woods

1 to get to the bale gap

2 more to get back to the bird

77. FC-AFC BAYOU-STAR FLEURTY GIRL, “Fleurt,” BLF, Mark Menzies

Mark and Fleurt came to the line at 1:15 pm

Initial line carried her through the water and under the arc of the old fall

2 whistles past the bale 

1 more to the bird

72. FC-AFC YOURS TRULY INDIGO, “Tru,” BLF, Mark Medford

Mark and Tru came to the line at 1:12 pm

Initial line carried to the end of the trees

2 whistles in the water and out under the old arc

6 more to stay left of the bale and on to the bird

68. FC ROCK CREEK MAC, “Max,” BLM, Larry Vaske

Larry and Max came to the line at 1:10 pm

3 past the woods and through the gap of the bale (all left casts)

1 more back to the bird


Jeff and Buzz came to the line at 1:06 pm

1 whistle at the start of the woods

1 in the woods

3 to get to the cover and through the bale gap

2 or 3 more to the bird

66. FC-AFC BEAVER RUNS ZIG ZAG ZEKE, “Zeke,” BLM, Leigh Windham

Leigh and Zeke came to the line at 1:03 pm

1 whistle at the start of the woods

1 more to go left of the bale

2 more to go back after the bale and to the bird


Bobby and Jammer came to the line at 12:57 pm

Initial line to the end of the trees

2 whistles for the line into the water

2 to pass the bale on the left 

2 more to the bird

61. AFC MUDDY WATERS RUN DEEP, “Muddy,” BLF, Jeffery Talley

Jeff and Muddy came to the line at 12:54 pm

Initial line carried her to the water

1st cast carried through the water and past the old

2 to get left of the bale

2 more to the bird

60. FC-AFC DRY CREEKS TRU BLU, “Trudy,” BLF, George Metka

George and Trudy came to the line at 12:50 pm

Initial line carried to the end of the trees

4 whistles to get in the water

1 to go under the arc of the old fall

Carried this line past the bale

3 more and she was on the bird


David and Fancy came to the line at 12:47 pm

1 whistle just past the woods

2 more to get to the bale left

2 in the field, way left of the bird

1 more to pick up the bird


Mike and Blue came to the line at 12:43 pm

1 whistle at the far edge of the woods

2 more before the water

1 in front of the blind

1 to get left of the bale

1 more to pick up the bird

55. FC-AFC SEASIDE’S ISSHEIT, “Zoey,” BLF, Chad Worsell

Chad and Zoey came to the line at 12:39 pm

1 whistle in the early woods left

1 at the edge of the wood right

1 through the cover and left of the bale

1 more at the bird


John and Willow came to the line at 12:35 pm

Initial line through the tree area

1st whistle to put her far right

2nd and 3rd into the water and under the arc of the old fall

4th left of the bale

2 more to the bird


Doyle and Kacey came to the line at 12:32 pm

Initial line took him to the end of the trees, pop and whistle

Next whistle carried her through the water and under the arc

3 to stay left of the bale 

1 more at the bale

47. FC-AFC SEASIDE’S MOJO MOXY, “Boots,” BLF, Kathy Vignos

Kathy and Boots came to the line at 12:30 pm

Initial line took her past the trees to the edge of the water

1 whistle for direction through the water and under the arc of the old fall

2 more left of the bale and to the bird


Mark and Blu came to the line at 12:25 pm

1 whistle in the woods

1 more near the end of the woods

1 before the water

2 more to get left of the bale

2 to go back right (dog had gone left)

3 more - no bird was down

44. FC-AFC DRAKE’S BAY IZZY, “Izzy,” BLF, Rick Wilke

Rick and Izzy came to the line at 12:22 pm

1 whistle to get left of the bale

1 to go back

1 more at the end


Chad and Dara came to the line at 12:19 pm

1 whistle in the woods

1 at the end of the woods

1 at the blind before the bale

1 after the gap

1 more to get to the bird

1 pick up whistle

42. FC THE DARK WEB, “Hacker,” BLM, Sue Westlake

Sue and Hacker came to the line at 12:15 pm

Initial line carried through the tree area

1st whistle through the water and left of the bale

2 more to the bird

41. FC-AFC HR ESPRIT’S GRADE A PEARL, “Pearl,” BLF, Gary Metzger

Gary and Pearl came to the line at 12:12 pm

Initial line in trees on the right

1st and 2nd whistles to the end of the trees

Carried this line through the water

Next whistle staying tucked into the old blind area and left of the bale

3 more to the bird

39. FC-AFC BLACK LABS MATTER II, “Brody,” BLM, John Schneider

John and Brody came to the line at 12:10 pm

Initial line through the water

1st whistle to tuck by the previous blind and go left of the bale

2 more  at the end put him on the bird

38. FC-AFC SEASIDE’S CRADLE ROBBER - OMG QA2, “Crook,” BLM, Mike Griffin

Mike and Crook came to the line at 12:06 pm

1 whistle at the end of the trees

1 left at the cover

1 left of the bale

1 back

1 to go left (way right)

1 more to go left

1 to get the bird

37. FC-AFC 3R’S MISTER T’S TOMMY, “Timmy,” BLM, Bradley LaFave

Bradley and Timmy came to the line at 12:03 pm

1 whistle right of the blind and left of the bale

1 whistle past the bale 

1 more to get the bird

36. FC-AFC RAZOR’S BUCKSHOT, “Shooter,” BLM, Larry Vaske

Larry and Shooter came to the line at 12:00 pm

1 whistle to go left of the bale

1 more back

1 more at the bird

6th Series Test Dogs

Honga’s Over and Under Beretta QA2, “Rett,” LM
Owner: Deborah Gardner
Handler: Deborah Gardner

First test dog up was Rett and handler Deborah Gardner ... Rett came to the line at 11:41 am

1 whistle up front by the trees and carried this line out into the water
2nd whistle and he missed the cover
1 more to correct the side of the bale
A few check down whistles at the bird

Warren-Hill’s Celtic Quest, “Brannagh,” LF

Owners: Peggy and Brian Knowles
Handler: Peggy Knowles

Next up was test dog Brannagh with handler Peggy Knowles .... Brannagh came to the line at 11:44 am

1st whistle up by the trees - 2nd and 3rd whistle
2 more to get into the water
1 more to correct the line
Dog went out of sight
Way off line  - multiple whistles before she got there

This test took between 2-3 minutes to complete as well.

Series 6 – Land Blind

Land Blind

For this series, we will remain at the Coutu property in Pittsfield, ME. It is currently 90 degrees, sunny with an 8 mph West wind.

The running mat has moved just 8 yards to the right from where the 5th was run. The mat faces East, looking out over a hayfield dotted with trees and hay bales.

A hen duck is placed 325 yards from the line, at the base of a small tree, just to the right of a hay bale.

The line to this blind is under the arc of the Series 5 Right Retired. The line carries the dog across a narrow channel of water before they slide right of a patch of trees and through cover (the base of the old gun station), tight left of the first hay bale and then tight right of the second hay bale to recover the bird.

This test takes approximately 2-3 minutes per dog.

Callbacks to the 6th Series

42 dogs were called back: 1, 7, 10, 11, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 49, 52, 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 65, 66, 67, 68,72, 77, 81, 83, 86, 88, 89, 93, 95 and 96.

42 dogs dropped: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 45, 48, 50, 53, 57, 58, 62, 64,  69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 76, 79, 80, 87, 90, 92, 94, 97 and 98.

Dog #36 will start the 6th Series

5th Series Recap

Tuesday, June 18 – Thursday, June 20, 2024

5th Series – Land / Water Quad

84 Dogs Started this Series

Test Dogs started out this series on Tuesday morning at 7:19 am, beginning with "Rett" and then "Brannagh." This series ended up taking 3 days to complete due to high temps during the day. Officials had to shut down the test on both Tuesday and Wednesday early for the safety of the dogs running. There was a single test dog on each Wednesday and Thursday mornings

The first running dog of this series was #15 FC-AFC SUSITNA’S SUMMER SOLSTICE MH QA2, “Sunny,” with handler Michael Black. They came to the line at 7:58 am on Tuesday morning.

The weather on all 3 days of this series was very hot and sunny or mostly sunny with highs going well into the 90s. There was Excessive Heat Warnings in effect during the day, which made this test extra challenging to get through.

Here is how things turned out for this challenging 5th Series …
No-Bird / Re-Run (8): 43 – 46 – 58 – 59 – 67 – 74 – 94 – 98
Handles (35): 2 – 6 – 10 – 16 – 17 – 21 – 23 – 25 – 27 – 28 – 30 – 31 – 32 – 34 – 36 – 37 – 38 – 41 – 42 – 44 – 45 – 46 – 47 – 55 – 61 – 62 – 64 – 58 – 72 – 76 – 79 – 80 – 86 – 95 – 98
Double Handles (7): 9 – 20 – 33  – 50 – 53 – 69 – 71
Pick-Ups (17): 3 – 5 – 8 – 12 – 14 – 15 – 19 – 40 – 48 – 57 – 70 – 74 – 87 – 90 – 92 – 94 – 97 
Scratches (0): 

Our last running dog for this Series was dog #14 
FC-AFC SEASIDE’S SMARTY JONES, “Smarty,” with handler Derek Smith. They completed the test on Thursday, June 20th at 11:11 am.

84 dogs were sent from the line in this series, taking a total of 14 hours and 7 minutes, which averages out to be just about 10 minutes per dog. 

We will be moving on to the 6th Series shortly!

Pick-Up 14. FC-AFC SEASIDE’S SMARTY JONES, “Smarty,” BLF, Derek Smith

Derek and Smarty came to the line ...

LF – Out to the area and she got it

LR – Out to the area and was about to be handled but the dog was picked up by handler request

Dog was picked up.

5th Series – Test Complete

Test Ended. Series 5 was completed and in the books at 11:11 am.

**Callbacks up next**

Purina Portrait Presented

Bert and Leigh Windham were presented with the portrait of the 2023 NAFC-FC Beaver Runs Raymond For Sheriff by Purina. 

Bert Windham on the left – Ray Voigt (of Purina) presenting the portrait of "Raymond" and Leigh Windham on the right

13. FC-AFC DR DANY MD, “Dany,” BLF, Dick Kaiser

Dick and Dany came to the line at 10:56 am

LF – Very quick retrieve!

LR – Wide right - stopped at the blind and shot out right and then left and then checked the bales deep - back to the holding blind and had an extended hunt right then left - but she got her bird

RR – Into the water and out to the fall area - turned right and got her bird

RF – Into the water - drove the hill out to the fall area and got it!

Pick-Up 12. JAGGER’S RUFF-N-READY ROADTRIP QA2, “Jagger,” CLM, Jeff Deelstra

Jeff and Jagger came to the line ... 

Dog broke

Dog was picked up.

11. RIDGECREST’S JUST FOR A LARK QA2, “Whimsy,” BLF, Betsy Broyd

Betsy and Whimsy came to the line ...

LF – Line under the arc and to the fall area and the bird

LR – Line brought her under the arc and she kept going - halfway up the hill and she came back down and made several loops in front and right of the blind - took a left and located her bird

RR – Good line out and angled over to the fall area and the bird

RF – Good line to the fall area again - had a couple turns at the bird and she got it!

**Conditions Update**

 Temps are up to 90 degrees now - and feel like 101

Handle 10. FC-AFC JS’S JUMPIN’ JACK FLASH QA2, “Jack,” BLM, Chad Worsell

Chad and Jack came to the line at 10:36 am

LF – Tight turns and he got it

LR – Out under the arc - going deep and was handled back to the holding blind - there was some trouble getting over to the bird but he worked it out

RR – Very nice line to this bird

RF – Into the water - drove the hill left of the gunners - hooked behind - made 1 loop and then drove right and got his bird

Double Handle 9. AFC-CFC-CAFC JOY CREEK’S NORTHERN LIGHT QA2, “Magic,” BLF, Bob Louiseau

Bob and Magic came to the line at 10:26 am

LF – Good line to the fall area and she got her bird

LR – Line brought her under the arc but she kept going and was handled back to the bird

RR – Good line straight tot he fall area and the bird

RF – Good line under the arc and kept driving up the hill - handled again and got to this bird with a  couple whistles

Pick-Up 8. FC-AFC TIPPECANOE’S SHEAMUS, “Amos,” BLM, George Wamsley

George and Amos came to the line at 10:22 am

LF – Dog Broke on the Left Flyer

Dog was picked up


Mark and Deacon came to the line at 10:14 am

LF – Line took him under the arc and to his bird

LR – Out under the arc but he took 1 loops around the blind and then a few more loops over to the bird

RR – Good line out to the fall area, a short left loop and then back right to his bird

RF – Good line to the fall area again, then 2 large loops left and back to the bird. Good job!

**Conditions Update**

 A breeze has come up right to left across the field

Handle Re-Run 98. FC-AFC BD NORTH SHORE’S INSTANT RAIN GEAR QA2, “Poncho,” BLM, Malcolm Haith

Malcolm and Poncho came back to the line at 10:02 am

LF – Out to the fall area and he missed - 3 big loops and then moved left - continued to hunt and he found it!

LR – Missed on the left - went deep and was handled back to this bird

RR – Drove the hill - stayed in front of the guns and stepped on the bird!

RF – Under the arc close to the blind - circled the blind and moved his hunt left and then down the hill and got his bird

Handle 6. BAYOU TECHE COMMERCE COMET, “Mick,” BLM, Alvin Hatcher

Alvin and Mick came to the line at 9:51 am

LF – Good line, took a loop towards the guns, then straight to the fall area and the bird

LR – Wide right behind the blind and kept going - handled immediately, it was difficult to get the dog left, but got him left and to the bird with a few more whistles

RR – Curved in under the arc and to the bird

RF – Good line and a few loops between the gunners and the fall area to get the bird

Pick-Up 5. AFC TUBB’S GREATEST HIT, “Walker,” BLM, George Francis

George and Walker came to the line at 9:39 am

LF – Out to the fall area and he quickly found his bird

LR – Drove under the arc, but kept going - was handled back to this bird

RR – Came in around the blind - quickly moved to the fall area and the bird

RF – Through the water, drove the hill staying in front of the guns - handled - but the flyer guns had to come out to help

Dog was picked up


Mary and Whiskey came to the line at 9:36 am

LF – Good line out - hunted a few loops and then headed right and back - handler attempted to handle him

Dog was picked up.

Pick-Up Re-run 94. FC-AFC INDIGO HELLO DOLLY, “Dolly,” YLF, Mark Medford

Mark and Dolly came to the line at 9:22 am

LF – A few turns right of the fall and then she worked her way left to the bird

LR – Wide right - she was handled back towards the bird - several whistles but she got it

RF – Split the difference between the Right Flyer and Right Retired - carried her line up the hill and quickly go the flyer

RR – Headed right and the dog was picked up

Dog was picked up.

**Conditions Update**

It is now 81 degrees, but feels like 88 - Wind is WSW at 4 mph and humidity is 78% - Excessive Heat Warning is in effect

Handle 2. YOU STOLE MY HEART MAGGIE MAE, “Maggie,” BLF, Kyle Broussard

Kyle and Maggie came to the line at 9:14 am

LF – Good Line to the fall area and the bird

LR – Headed back to the flyer direction - was quickly handled to this bird

RR – Good line and quick retrieve

RF – Under the arc and headed right towards the fall and his bird


Bert and Raymond came to the line at 9:02 am

LF – Drove just past it - a quick turn and he drilled it!

LR – Out under the arc - stopped - turned left and went out to the bird

RF – Out into the water wide left of the Right Retired holding blind - continued up the field and drove the hill and got the right flyer after 1 loop

RR – Stepped on it! Nice Work!

**Gun Change**

 Gun Change at 8:52 am

No-bird 98. FC-AFC BD NORTH SHORE’S INSTANT RAIN GEAR QA2, “Poncho,” BLM, Malcolm Haith

Malcolm and Poncho came to the line at 8:50 am and had a No-bird, they will be back after 5.

Pick-Up 97. AFC HUNTLEIGH’S QUINTESSA, “Tessa,” BLF, Bruce Ahlers

Bruce and Tessa came to the line at 8:43 am

LF – Quick hunt and she got it

LR – Ran to the holding blind and got a little deep and right - was handled back to the area with several whistles but could not get her to the bird easily - Judges had the guns come out to help

Dog was picked up.

96. FC-AFC RMR’S WON’T BE STUMPED, “Mugs,” BLM, Sarah Love

Sarah and Mugs came to the line at 8:35 am

LF – Line brought him under the arc, 1 loop in the middle then over to the bird

LR – Line was wide right behind the blind and he kept going to the tree line, but he came back after a couple loops and located his bird

RR – Good line under the arc - went right and then to the fall area and got this one

RF – Good line - right over to the bird. Nice job!

Handle 95. FC-AFC MARSHWIND’S TURBULENCE, “Evie,” BLF, Bente Kongsore

Bente and Evie came to the line at 8:24 am

LF – Got just left - a quick turn back right for his pheasant

LR – To the left side of the holding blind and kept going - dog was handled to this bird

RR – Into the water and out to the blind - quickly turned back for her bird

RF – Drove the hill and came in just right of the guns - moved farther right and got her bird

No-bird 94. FC-AFC INDIGO HELLO DOLLY, “Dolly,” YLF, Mark Medford

Mark and Dolly came to the line and had a no-bird on the flyer, they will be back after 5

93. FC-AFC HIGH ROAD ABE, “Abe,” BLM, Randi Johannis

Randi and Abe came to the line at 8:13 am

LF – Straight to the area and his bird

LR – Out under the arc, turned left behind the bush and scooped it up!

RR – Tight area hunt and he got it!

RF – Stayed behind the guns and turned right for 1 big loop - back to the guns and then out to his bird for a Nice job!

Pick-Up 92. FC-AFC BAYOU TECHE EXPRESS, “Ryan,” BLF, Lauren Hays

Lauren and Ryan came to the line at 8:05 am

LF – Under the arc and then hunted left and right, several loops between the guns and the flyer area - came up with her bird

LR – Wide right behind the blind - then a couple loops deep and right - then back past the fall area and was handled to the bird quickly

RR – Line brought her behind the blind and she turned straight over to the bird

RF – Dog was too hot on return and handler picked her up

Dog was picked up.

Pick-Up 90. FC-AFC TECHE’S BAYOU KAT, “Kate,” BLF, Wayne Stupka

Wayne and Kate came to the line at 7:53 am

LF – Covered a fair amount of ground to get her bird

RF – Into the water and up the hill behind the guns - got deep and turned back down for a big loop and out to her bird

RR(?) – Out wide right - turned left at the holding blind - worked the area and expanded her hunt - guns had to come out to help

Dog was picked up.


Craig and Skeeter came to the line at 7:45 am

LF – Line went under the arc - 3 or 4 loops hunting the area and then he found his bird

LR – Out under the arc - looped right past the blind and then turned back and went straight for the bird

RR – His line out brought him under the arc again - moved over to the blind and then back to the fall area with another loop and he got it

RF – Arrived under the arc near the guns - hunted with a few loops in the arc area and went wide right to locate his bird. Nice job!

88. FC-AFC BAYOU TECHE PAINT THE BLACK, “Madduxx,” BLM, Jamie Woodson

Jamie and Madduxx came to the line at 7:35 am

LF – Nice line out - quick retrieve of this bird

LR – Direct line to the bush - ducked immediately behind it and came out with his bird!

RR – Angled across the field and cut in straight to his bird!

RF – Up the hill in front of the the guns - made 1 big turn and got it! Nice Job!

Pick-Up 87. FC-AFC BENTWATER’S PERFECT STORM, “Hailee,” BLF, Steve Helgoth

Steve and Hailee came to the line at 7:29 am

LF – Line brought her under the arc and a few loops hunting deep and then over to the fall area - she got it

LR – Wide right line out - drove too deep and the handler began handling to this bird with difficulty ...

Dog was picked up

Handle 86. FC-AFC CANDLEWOOD’S TOM TOM, “Drummer,” BLM, Bradley LaFave

Bradley and Drummer came to the line at 7:20 am

LF – Out to the area for a quick turn or 2 and then he had his bird

LR – Under the arc - a quick handle was needed - 2 whistles and he got it

RR – Came in left of the holding blind - got a few steps deep, then turned right and came back down to the area for his duck

RF – Took the water and climbed the hill - stayed in front of the guns and turned right and got it

Pick-Up Re-run 74. JAYBAR CAPTAIN MACOMO, “Captain,” BLM, Jerry Younglove

Jerry and Captain came back to the line at 7:11 am for their re-run

LF – Line was under the arc of the left retired - he drove through and had several large loops back and forth deep of the flyer guns and the left retired - then he went to the flyer fall area and located the bird.

LR – Line went out wide left towards the flyer guns - immediately started handling but it took some time to handle him to get this bird.

RR – Line took him to the area but then he went towards the flyer and had to be handled, but he wasn't able to get it

Dog was picked up.

5th Series Test Dog - Day 3 of the Series

Honga’s Over and Under Beretta QA2, “Rett,” LM
Owner: Deborah Gardner
Handler: Deborah Gardner

Our single test dog up this morning was Rett with handler Deborah Gardner ... Rett came to the line at 6:57 am

LF – Straight to it!

LR – Perfect

RR – Out to the blind on the right and into the water – he got his bird

RF – Across the field, through the water to the backside of the guns – turned right and out to the fall area – he went back and forth a few times but needed to be handled because he got too deep – gunners came out to help

It is warm already with no wind, hazy conditions, thin clouds above. All the guns show up in the field.

And off we go for another day in this challenging series!

Good Morning! – Day 6

Good morning and welcome to Day 6 of the National Amateur, and Day 3 of the 5th Series Land / Water Quad. 

We've been up against very challenging weather - high temps and humidity have forced us to shut down early the last 2 days, all in the name of dog/handler safety.
This morning’s weather conditions are very similar to the last couple of days. It is already 79 degrees, with sunny skies, 1 mph SW wind and 88% humidity. High temperatures are expected to reach 95 degrees today with 98% humidity and a chance of thunderstorms as the day goes on. There is another Excessive Heat Warning in the area, so safety will be a #1 priority.

Good luck to the teams that have yet to run in this series. Stay cool!