National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

2024 National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

Thursday, June 20, 2024

5th Series Test Dog - Day 3 of the Series

Honga’s Over and Under Beretta QA2, “Rett,” LM
Owner: Deborah Gardner
Handler: Deborah Gardner

Our single test dog up this morning was Rett with handler Deborah Gardner ... Rett came to the line at 6:57 am

LF – Straight to it!

LR – Perfect

RR – Out to the blind on the right and into the water – he got his bird

RF – Across the field, through the water to the backside of the guns – turned right and out to the fall area – he went back and forth a few times but needed to be handled because he got too deep – gunners came out to help

It is warm already with no wind, hazy conditions, thin clouds above. All the guns show up in the field.

And off we go for another day in this challenging series!

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