National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

2024 National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

Thursday, June 20, 2024

6th Series Test Dogs

Honga’s Over and Under Beretta QA2, “Rett,” LM
Owner: Deborah Gardner
Handler: Deborah Gardner

First test dog up was Rett and handler Deborah Gardner ... Rett came to the line at 11:41 am

1 whistle up front by the trees and carried this line out into the water
2nd whistle and he missed the cover
1 more to correct the side of the bale
A few check down whistles at the bird

Warren-Hill’s Celtic Quest, “Brannagh,” LF

Owners: Peggy and Brian Knowles
Handler: Peggy Knowles

Next up was test dog Brannagh with handler Peggy Knowles .... Brannagh came to the line at 11:44 am

1st whistle up by the trees - 2nd and 3rd whistle
2 more to get into the water
1 more to correct the line
Dog went out of sight
Way off line  - multiple whistles before she got there

This test took between 2-3 minutes to complete as well.

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