National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

2024 National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

Friday, June 21, 2024

7th Series Test Dogs

Honga’s Over and Under Beretta QA2, “Rett,” LM
Owner: Deborah Gardner
Handler: Deborah Gardner

First test dog up was Rett and handler Deborah Gardner ... Rett came to the line at 6:31 am

1 whistle before the brush
3 whistles before the 1st water
1 more on the road into the 2nd water (dog not visible in 2nd water)
Several whistles the rest of the blind
In and out of water 5 more times

Warren-Hill’s Celtic Quest, “Brannagh,” LF
Owners: Peggy and Brian Knowles
Handler: Peggy Knowles

Next test dog up was Brannagh with handler Peggy Knowles .... Brannagh came to the line at 6:43 am

1st whistle in the water
Jumped the brush and crossed the road
Went right of the cattails
Got left and stayed wide left all the way out to the bird

This test is taking approximately 7-9 minutes per dog to complete.

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