National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

2024 National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

Friday, June 21, 2024

Good Morning! – Day 6

Good morning on Day 6 of the National Amateur Retriever Championship!

This morning we are back at Mike Coutu's property to run the 7th Series of this event.

Currently, it is 67 degrees with mostly cloudy skies, and an 4 mph wind coming from NNE. High temps are expected to reach up to 79 or 80 degrees today – so not nearly as hot as it has been the last few days thankfully!

We are just finishing running the test dogs this morning, and the 7th Series will be under way soon!
There will be gun changes today after dog #'s 96 and 41.

Best of Luck to All the Teams!

The Judges setting up the 7th Series this morning

Pat Burns lining up the 7th Series Test Drone

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