National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

2024 National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Handle 21. FC-AFC WOOD RIVER’S PERFECT PASS, “Lonzo,” BLM, Bill Fruehling

Bill and Lonzo came to the line at 8:51 am

LF – Straight to the fall area, turned around and got the bird.

RF – Line out was wide left - he took a loop near the left blind, then headed right across the field towards the right flyer, hunted the area left and right of the fall, and was handled when he went past the guns, and got the right flyer.

RR – Line took him out behind the blind and then he went over to locate his bird.

LR – Out wide right with a loop around the blind, then a loop behind the blind - went deep and then came back in to get his bird.

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