National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

2024 National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Handle 31. AFC INDIGO’S HOOK, LINE AND SINKER, “Catch,” BLM, Joanna Lewis

Joanna and Catch came to the line at 10:12 am

LF – Line under the arc - 1 turn right past the guns and then immediately left and to the bird

LR – Line brought him under the arc, 1 loop right near the blind and then 1 loop deep and he came back and located his bird.

RR – Line was left of the blind and he took a loop wide left - handler quickly handled with a whistle and that got him to the bird.

RF – His line brought him behind the guns, then he established a hunt left and deep - coming back to the fall area for a few more loops, then left again and back over to the fall and he got it!

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