National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

2024 National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Pick-Up 19. FC-AFC YIPPEE KAI YEA MCBUNN, “Kai,” BLF, Steve Roegiers

Steve and Kai came to the line at 8:30 am

LF – Went to the fall area - had a loop left, then right and then back to the bird.

LR – Line out was wide right behind the blind - she kept going - a couple quick whistles got her to this bird.

RF – Line brought her under the arc and to the fall area - she took 1 loop to the bird.

RR – Took a line wide right through the woods and kept going - she was quickly handled back to the bird - guns came out to help just as the dog located the bird.

Dog was picked up.

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